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Preparing For Battle!

Poster: guiltypleasures
Image: Preparing For Battle!
Image Details: ID: 149 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 900 x 600 (373KB)
Posted: 04 Jul 2003 05:52
Views: 146
Pic Description: Left to Right (Clockwise)
Leader of the Junior Rebel Force, Junior Pleasures, Junior Tormie in Center wearing orange hard hat, Junior Ozy above in football helmut, Junior Ken on ledge in viking helmut.

"Okay men, prepare for battle, I've had word they are on their way and this Captain is one mean guy, so let's look alive here... Junior Ozy! How many times do I have to ask you not to thow your sword over the know you are just going to have to go down and pick it up again! <sheeh, just can't get good help these days> Junior Tormie, just what in the heck do you think a pom pom is going to do to protect us?" "Well I was not understanding you, I thought you said we were to meet to practice our cheers, I must have looked up the wrong term in my book again...sorry." "Oh well, maybe a little cheer might help us out of this mess! Now as for you Junior Ken, what in allmighty are you holding that big rubber ducky for?" Sir...errr ma...err well it's a decoy Sir, filled with explosives!!" <Oh good, at least he's thinking!!> "Okay one last question, who the hell is this funky yellow guy holding the teddy bear?" "Ah sir" "Yes Junior Ozy, go on?" "Well you see, we thought we would need more reinforcements so Ken decided to clone himself and well, you know what happens when you make a copy of a copy right? Seems Junior Dork over there isn't all quiet there, but he's really good at playing the fiddle and square dancing." <Oh brother, Goodbye Clubhouse, we're doomed!!!>

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Preparing For Battle!
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Poster Message
 04 Jul 2003 06:39
lmao: lmao: lmao: =D>

Oh, my aching ribs. You have too much spare time on your hands.

And now I'll just nip down and retrieve my sword, if you don't mind

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
 04 Jul 2003 07:53
I'll let you know, that the big rubbery ducky decoy filled with explosives have turned the tides of war in my favour plenty of times..

Every night will have a day.
Even forever must come to an end. I think...
 04 Jul 2003 12:47
Look at the target rich environment that awaits me...
More victims to phasor to death !

 04 Jul 2003 15:18
We may look like a bunch of bumbling junior idiots Capt Sam, but believe me, we..we.. well actually we are, but that's besides the point, and that's what is going to save our collective butts, belive me sir, you shall be assimalated! We are the Borg...err Junior Rebels!
Now Junior Ozy, get down and nip up that sword, we need to be ready! Junior Ken, keep the duck close, I think your idea is grand and it may be our last hope! Ah Junior Tormie, just keep waving your pom pom, it looks really pretty in this lighting, kind of sparkles, might blind our enemy that way! Junior Dork...ahh just do a little song and dance and stay out of the way.
Your leader,
JR Pleasures

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 04 Jul 2003 22:22
What's a POM POM ?? is it that thing in the POM POM girls hands ? eheheh!

I think an UZI or an AK47 is more appropiate...

Poor Den... Warp 9----

 04 Jul 2003 22:55
Yes Tormentor, a pom pom is what cheerleaders wave around. But what Sam doesn't know, is your pom pom is concealing the you see, your clever efforts to hide it was well done =D>

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 01 Mar 2008 08:05
First they coat a shicken in cheeze whiz and flog someone with it, now they stuff a rubber ducky with explosives... seems like fowl play is afoot.

Am I the only one who thinks they named it Windows because it is a major pane? BA-DUM BOOM!!
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