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Posette and Dork Forever

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Posette and Dork Forever
Image Details: ID: 7158 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 777 x 803 (264KB)
Posted: 11 Feb 2013 23:03
Views: 132
Pic Description: Happy Valentine''s Day from my Poserfolk to yours.

Tools Used: Poser 4, Paint Shop Pro 8.

Constructive criticism is welcomed on any aspect of this image, as I am striving to improve my skills in all areas.

What fine models, these two-- with enduring appeal and an ageless quality. Like many here, I work with them because I genuinely like them.

I really don''t understand the continuing appeal of that other duo favored by the masses at the big hobbyist sites, Mike and Vicky. I''ve examined recent vintages of both first-hand, and sincerely tried to give them a sporting fair chance-- but I feel Mike and Vicky look profoundly bad, period. Certainly they exemplify the contemporary aesthetics of Western culture-- both are quite androgynous-looking, with urbane features. Apart from their rather strange and unnatural proportions (especially in the extremities such as head, hands, feet) that are difficult to accept as anything other than a mistake, I suppose then my primary objection to the Mike and Vicky aesthetic is that I don''t care for the broader modern aesthetic they exemplify.

Posette and Dork, on the other hand, have a timeless aesthetic-- Dork is clearly a man, and Posette is clearly a woman. In other words, the characteristics abstracted into the construction of the models tends to amplify the virtues of each sex and therefore at the same time enhance their contrasts, which is of course a complementary contrast according to the natural order of living things. I''m speaking of Yin and Yang, which among other things is perhaps the most romantic of all ideas.

On the technical front, I mentioned in my last image posting that my Dork is a step or level behind Mystery Posette in refinement (given my goals regarding P4 photorealism)-- which is clearly visible here. I blurred her to reduce the disparity, though perhaps too much as the blurring is noticeable (which ideally it should not be). Nonetheless, I think this adds a nice secondary metaphor to the image, as in general all Dorks have always been less cultivated (technically, as in CG tech) than all Posettes over the history of the models.


Pictures Navigation
RX for Dork
The Ambush Villain
Posette and Dork Forever
The Gods Shadows
The Gods Shadows  - Prequel

Poster Message
 12 Feb 2013 01:13
Great job! The expressions are so natural that reminded me a beach vacation photo!

Here we go!

 12 Feb 2013 01:16
A perfect portrait for our valentine gallery, thanks for adding it.

They really make for a sweet pair, Dork's personality really comes through, great expression.

It's quite common for women to get the soft focus lens treatment, so the blurring is okay.

That porceline look is quite good in this lighting, I like the render.

JR, again you are spot on with the on with the vacation, at the beach setting.

The problem I find with base figures in general is all the morphs come out generic, and I need a variety of base figures to actually get some individuality to show, by mixing them up. Though my poor little laptop hates me when I add certain figures, and in quantity. I would like to think people can look beyond what figure was used, and appreciate the resulting work... like here.

Got to thank our Tormie, for PF, or I'd be pushing out rubber stamp renders like the outside world, which is the refreshing part of what happens here, the renders can viewed as old dated (Yin), or classic (Yang), but it's still very different enough to be a unique point of the PF gallery (and lost on the masses). I referred to a piece of yours as looking like an old master, a classic. I'm sure at some point when people are tired of pressing the rubber stamp render button, they'll explore other styles (I happen to like silly colours).

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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