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What a nice sky-island !!

Poster: Nik
Image: What a nice sky-island !!
Image Details: ID: 8557 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 839 x 571 (62KB)
Posted: 20 Oct 2022 15:49
Views: 59
Pic Description: I found this magnificent PMX sky-island freebie, posted by daucongluyen on DA, with credits for ''Rip + Convert + Edit'' by luyen11364

As MMD''s PMX and X files use left-handed coordinates compared to eg OBJ, I used free PMX Editor (EN) found here...
... to Mirror model --View, Mirror Model, Are_You_Sure ?-- before exporting --File, Export, drop-down to OBJ, default x1 scale.

OBJ+MTL loaded well into Poser at default 100% scaling, though very large. I had to progressively scale to ~3.5% and Y-Trans to get it into scene. MTL auto-loads ''diffuse'' materials, and none of the five PNG textures had a transparency map. As the model was ''flipped'', I corrected those nice textures'' mapping by setting their V-Scale to -1.

Scene needed lots of light. I''d scaled model ''by eye'', reckoning those formal steps would be about half the rise of domestic stairs. I can''t seem to find scene-appropriate day-wear for LaF, but I''m sure I can populate with some trad-draped V3 + V4 folk plus FBX ports of ''game'' figures...

Rendered as superfly, progressive, 64 pixel-samples, 256 vols & buckets using both my twin GPU cards.

Also, as OBJ file is ~2 MB, I may run that through a ''minimiser'' to cull the poly-count...

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What a nice sky-island !!
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Poster Message
 24 Nov 2022 00:16


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