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Athena - Goddess of Wisdom
Description: Athena, daugther of Zeus and Mytida -in fact she came out of Zeus's head, as he was afraid of the propchecy that the child born by Mytida would be the wisest on earth thus swallowed the baby when it was born! Like father, like son! Cronus (Zeus's daddy) had played the same trick on all the rest of his children except Zeus but it didn't do him any good, Zeus should have learnt his lesson *grin* - Athena was the Goddess of Wisdom, the most reasonable & wise among the Olympians, honorable and proud! Her protected ancient city was Athens -named after her when she won the people's contest over Poseidon-. She was getting along fine with all the rest of Gods, humans as well, except Poseidon who hated her for the above mentioned reason....their rival was so strong that during the Trojan War Poseidon decided to team up with the Trojan side only because Athena had teamed up with the Greeks!
Submitted by: Visitor
Creator: Renapd
Date: 20 Mar 2006 08:17
Last Updated: None
Last Download: 17 Sep 2021 17:42
File Size: 1.25 MB
Downloaded: 278

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