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Description: A Posette-based Supergirl figure by Mr. X. Needs the Objaction mover program to decode.

My Ultimate Super Girl: Author Paul Mason aka Mr. X 12-18-99

Credit goes to Meta Creations for their posette and their leotard, boots and skirt. The suit is a combination of the leotard botom and the catsuit top. The nude texture is from Anton Kisiel. The rest of the textures as well as the props are my own.

This figure is shareware and can be freely distributed just as long as it is not directly purchased or part of any package that is purchased. Also please give credit where credit is due.

I intentionally made this model so you only have to unpack into one directory. That's how my figures are set up and it makes it much easier to pack them and send them.

1. Create a "runtime\libraries\character\SuperGirlP4" directory. Must be spelled exactly (case insensitive).
2. Extract the complete contents of the zip into this directory.
3. Run Objaction Mover and use the runtime\geometries\p4nudewoman\p4nudewoman.obj as the seed and Type8wcape.pcf as the source file. Decode to Type8wcape.obj into the runtime\libraries\character\SuperGirlP4 directory.
4. Load up in Poser and go fight crime!

1. Super Girl is a combined figure which is why you need the obj. She is a combo of the nude female and an altered leotard, catsuit and skirt. This gives her a huge range of poses that otherwise would not be possible with conforming clothes. The suit and skirt can easily be removed by hiding them and it works under regular posable clothes. All morph targets for the female figure work with this model as well. You may need to make custom morph targets for the suit.
2. Super Girl has a cape which is my stock cape adjusted for her suit. It works fairly well and is IK and texture-able.
3. She has a visual focus prop. Both eyes are set to point at the eye focus prop. Just move the prop where you want her to look and her eyes will follow. Its parented to the head but can be parented to anything.
4. She has a large breast morph for those so inclined. Right now its set for 0%. The suit has no morph right now.
5. What Super Girl would be complete without a few ropes and a gag. There are rope coils around her wrists, knees and ankles that can be unhidden and scaled. She also has a detective style gag already in place and hidden.
6. The boots are part of the mesh as well and auto pose with the feet. The feet and toes are hidden. The boots accecpt the standard boot textures for women's boots.

Note: I have fixed the IK problems with theboots so she can have IK for the legs. I have not doen this with the arms however since that would be a little more complicated.

Enjoy and happy crime fighting.

Mr. X
Submitted by: A_C_C
Author: Paul Mason (Mr. X)
Date: 17 Aug 2011 10:55
Last Updated: None
Last Download: 05 Jan 2023 18:51
File Size: 2.05 MB
Downloaded: 72

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