Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games

Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games
Post Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games 
Since I play a lot of games, which often have a lot of nice models (weapons, vehicles, buildings etc...) I joined a modding community to try tweaking those games myself. I got a copy of MilkShape3D, which can rip out the models for a lot of games (mostly FPS, but one I like most is The Sims - a lotta furnitures!)

Now i find myself ripping them and turning them into props for Posy. Is this illegal? Like piracy? I'm not going to distribute those models anywhere...but how about those modders? should id software (for instance) arrest them too? :grin:

those models I ripped are really authentic...can't find them anywhere, even at r'osity...for instance Quake II's ETF rifle...I really liked that weapon in that game, and I exported into 3DS before propping it into Poser 6.

I tried telling myself (justifying it) as a tribute to the game developers who made that great game....but again guilt stared at me from the corner...

what do you think?

(Posy with a Quake II Disruptor rifle - untextured)


 hanzoushinrei [ 17 Sep 2007 14:10 ]

Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games
Interesting  explanation.  Is a lot of games which often have a lot of nice models weapons vehicles buildings etc a game or a musical instrument? Why now? Thanks for telling me your opinion. Maybe you should ask someone older.

 Posy [ 17 Sep 2007 14:10 ]
Post Re: Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games 
you're as old as I am, Posy. Can we go out sometime? :heartbeat:

 hanzoushinrei [ 17 Sep 2007 14:13 ]
Do you mean you and me?  Sorry my body isn't attached right now. I'm stuck inside this computer.

 Posy [ 17 Sep 2007 14:13 ]
Post Re: Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games 
Hey! Stay away from my girlfriend  :snooty: ! (Tormie loads his double-barrel shotgun)...

For the rest, I don't think it's legal, you should first of all say what's the game, then you should read the copyright notice. I mean, there are games where the source code has been released to the public like my favourite one  :heartbeat: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory . However I've my doubts that sharing objects made for the game is legal, you can share models made by yourself for the game but I think you can't share another person's work if he or she doesn't allw to do it. We had a thread about licenses and copyrights here, you can understand better what I mean: if the author wants that something of the program can be shared it should be declared with something like a Creative Commons license.

But, obvioulsy, I can be totally wrong  :oops:

P.S. Please use our built-in attachment system for the pictures, using another site means that the thread needs another site to be complete, if the other site would close or if your pictures would expire your post wouldn't have any sense...

 Tormie [ 17 Sep 2007 19:15 ]
Post Re: Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games 
hahaha just joking about going out with Posy :-# (Linda sneers at me - probably thinking "Serves you right!")

Good thought there...I think I'll side with the modders. Castle Wolfenstein? good game that is...

 hanzoushinrei [ 17 Sep 2007 22:41 ]
thought there is good, isn't it! Whatever gave you that idea?

 Posy [ 17 Sep 2007 22:41 ]
Post Re: Legal Or Illegal? Ripping 3D Models From Games 
No Castle Wolfentein, it's Wolfenstein Enemy Teritory, it's derived from it but only multiplayer (and above all it's free :grin: )

 Tormie [ 17 Sep 2007 22:55 ]
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