Pokey Pinkies...

Pokey Pinkies...
Post Pokey Pinkies... 
Before you laugh, remember I am NOT an Artist...

Well, I got VERY angry with the prop I was making, turned my attention to a puzzle from the Animotions' freebies: Why don't their long gloves fit Posette ??

After blundering around with Carrara, Poser_4, 3DOC (for sanity checks), MorphManager, Anthony Appleyards's mega-quirky MAKEOBJ and two ring-binders of down-loaded tuts, I've made progress.

Start from the geometries' OBJ. Disable all Carrara's auto-offsets & scaling, and have it auto-group the materials' facets. Delete one less body-part along the chain, so leave in 'shoulder-blade' to make upper arm work. Select 'body' to export as set. Weld close vertices thrice in MAKEOBJ, until they're all connected. Then auto-move all selected faces out by.002 etc. Point a de-morphed 'stripped' CR2 per Bloodsong, and I have a conforming glove except for pokey pinkies...

Now I can actually get an OBJ out of Poser, back in and still have it conform, I'd better learn how to push those vertices about !!

 Nik [ 06 Feb 2008 02:00 ]

Pokey Pinkies...
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
Why don't their long gloves fit Posette ??

There are some there that indeed fits Posette. I have some. But if you want to tweak them then you will want to take the gloves into the setup room in Poser. Use the bones in Posette bone rigging in the glove object models that you have and tweak them a bit.  Also Posette's pinky bone rigging is a little different then most models. So some modification is needed in that respect. There are some Opera Gloves called SML Gloves but I have forgotten where they are located out on the net. Some one like Andreas or Davide might know.  :thumb:

 tda42 [ 06 Feb 2008 03:04 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
:mmmh:  :sorry: My girls don't have such a big wardrobe :redface:

 ahjah [ 06 Feb 2008 03:12 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
...Hide this thread from Posy :ninja:

 Tormie [ 06 Feb 2008 10:19 ]
I think I'm falling asleep.

 Posy [ 06 Feb 2008 10:19 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
:)  :)  :)

 Tormie [ 06 Feb 2008 10:19 ]
Post Poser_4... 
Um, I'm using Poser_4 in hopes of understanding what I'm doing.

My Poser_7 is still in box, along with several kilos of books...

Put it this way-- P_7 scared me.

 Nik [ 07 Feb 2008 17:15 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
I know what you mean :eh:
I made the big step from Poser3(!) to Poser6 about one year ago only cos P3 couldn't handle the RAM amount of my new PC.
I'm still lost most of the time and miss my old, simple Poser3 :crying:

 ahjah [ 07 Feb 2008 19:14 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
:patpat: c'mon, you've to evolve :snooty:  (Tormie goes back to ebay searching for an old Vespa  :redface: )

 Tormie [ 07 Feb 2008 20:42 ]
I'll think about that.

 Posy [ 07 Feb 2008 20:42 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
:heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

 Tormie [ 07 Feb 2008 20:42 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 

 ahjah [ 07 Feb 2008 20:51 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
I have P7 as well and have never used it either... though mainly because it scares my increasingly quaint Pentium 4 PC!

I've currently only got 512Mb of RAM and I'm not upgrading to a new machine til mid-year...


 GrouchoCaesar [ 07 Feb 2008 20:56 ]
Post Re: Pokey Pinkies... 
Well you all need to pull it out of the box and use it. :thumb: It is one of the best Posers and it can do anything your heart wants out of it. If you have P5 then that will be a good tool to get started to the big Poser 7 for a new learning curve.  :notworthy:

 tda42 [ 07 Feb 2008 23:46 ]
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