...playin´ with my balls...

...playin´ with my balls...
Post ...playin´ with my balls... 
Hi all!
Finally found use of good old Woody, too...
Playing around with some primitives, and,as usual, ended up playing with my (Poser)balls...
...made some bodyparts out of them, loaded Woody and replaced almost all the figure by

"replace bodypart by object" technique. Some joints tweaking...
look at this!     
She´s beta yet, but I think I ´ll load her up soon.
Tell me, what you think. And:
She needs a name.
Suggestions very welcome

so long

 ahjah [ 13 Jan 2004 04:58 ]

...playin´ with my balls...
Good to see that you are getting some use out of those balls, the Poser kind I mean !  

Woody might have a "woody" of his own by the end of the day !
Looks good !

 Den Tracy [ 13 Jan 2004 05:01 ]
Now that's cool  

Looks like someone has too much free time on their hands. But seriously, it's something very different. I like the result.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 13 Jan 2004 05:51 ]
   I would have that lovely   female mannequin for a long serie of comics, after have seen the last Den's pictures  

Well done Ahjah

 Tormie [ 13 Jan 2004 08:50 ]
some more -> album
I think, I´ll load her up in her beta state.
Works quite well anyway, and I don´t want TORMENOR having to wait for too long

 ahjah [ 13 Jan 2004 11:07 ]
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