having troubles with my login again

having troubles with my login again
Post having troubles with my login again 
Hi Davide

Sorry to be a pest but I am having trouble logging in again,  I have deleted all cookies of my machine, and posetteforever tells me I have no cookies logged for this site.  

I can log into the front page but not into the album or the forums.  

I have logged in and out several times deleted cookies a couple of times but no matter what I do it still says I am a guest when I have logged in even though it tells me the login was successful.

Help I don't know what else to do.  this has only been happening since the new album....



 messenger [ 23 Feb 2005 22:41 ]

having troubles with my login again
:-k  :-k  :-k Damn....

Hi Angie, dont' worry, we'll find a solution. I need to know what is your browser.
If you have internet explorer try this procedure. It is doesn't work we'll find the way. Tell me if it works or not, if not I'll PM you  :)

This procedure worked for Kenny tda42 and I hope it'll work for you too:

Keep in mind that I have the italian version of explorer and I can translate bad (Landman, where are you now ?), anyway you should have a "tools/options" link between "favourites" and "?" in the top bar of internet explorer, click it.

Then you should see some options and a "privacy" link, click it

Now you should see three options, something like: "Sites" "import" "advanced", click the first option (I hope that the english version is like mine="sites" or "urls")

You should see a little window, write in there "posetteforever.com" and click "allow"

(it should be an "allow" and a "deny" button"). It should solve your problem...
If you want add also "posetteforever.tk"

Now, you go to the main page and you are logged in (I hope)
go to the album and you're logged in (I hope) if not, login.

 Tormie [ 23 Feb 2005 23:00 ]
Hey Davide...got it sorted I did what you suggested in the tools thing and it worked a charm.  Oh and by the way you don't need to click a button..at the bottom of the privacy tab there is a bit that says to override cookie handling for individual sites click on edit...then you get your little window.  just adding this in case anyone else reads it and needs help from this side of the water..  Again thanks for your help.  Oh and I am in the process of getting a banner done for my website and then I will send it to you

 messenger [ 23 Feb 2005 23:22 ]
:bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin: !!! I'm very happy Angie!!

Anyway I'll try to find where the hell is the problem  :-k  :-k ... But I've to learn a lot about programming  :oops: and I'm just soooo lazy... lol...

As far as I know the "privacy" settings are made to stop cookies from sites who gets personal informations for spreading spam, but no fear for Posetteforever  O:)  O:)  O:) ...

 Tormie [ 23 Feb 2005 23:26 ]
P.S. Your logo is welcome  :bigrinnin: !

 Tormie [ 23 Feb 2005 23:27 ]
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