The album rules

The album rules
Post The album rules 
Hello friends  :heartbeat: ...

I had recently some complains for pictures posted in the album so I'm sorry but I had to delete them and explain why to the authors. My fault that recently I'm not too much present in the album and I had to do it late...

I hate to play the role of the censor and I want to explain what is considered acceptable and what not on Posetteforever.

It's all in one phrase: don't go too far

Posetteforever should be "PG 13", a site that should be seen by everybody without disturbance this means:

-No excessive gore and violence expecially if it involves sadism.
-No naked children or children showed in provoking behaviour
-No use of real naked people pictures
-No showing of genitals.
-No use of copyrighted material

I'm not discussing the artistic value of this kind of pictures, I can appreciate them, but they are not the target of Posetteforever: they can cause problems if they are shown in a public area (and I don't want to open a restricted area) and they could keep some people away from the site because they characterize it as a porn oriented one instantly.

I'm very sorry for the actions that I had to take but as the webmaster here I've the main responsability fo doing this kind of things. I hope that the authors won't be offended too much :sad:

P.S. Unsticked waiting a more complete rules script

Last edited by Tormie on 02 Oct 2005 22:36; edited 2 times in total 
 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 19:35 ]

The album rules
This is not fair to not show the genitals of men!  Why is fine to look at the genital of women and not of the men?  Because they are inside?  What type of reason is this?

 Anouk [ 02 Oct 2005 20:36 ]
you're right Anouk, so, no showing of genitals at all. the men/women thing is an obvious difference and you were right pointing at it.

Last edited by Tormie on 02 Oct 2005 22:29; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 20:45 ]
Once again I see censorship is the order of the day.  My friendship with Johann is of greater value to me than this site.  He supported me when I was abused at Renderosity, so now I shall show my support for him by never returning to this place.  Cheers

 Christopher Lee [ 02 Oct 2005 20:53 ]
I'm sorry for this Christopher.

Posetteforever is not a wild zone and I've to take care of the people here.
I've not pointed the finger on someone in particular and explained my reasons to the authors in private.

 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 20:59 ]
It seems that the crew is abandonin' the ship, matey!  I'm afraid I will leave as well!

 The Captain [ 02 Oct 2005 21:01 ]
Ok, take care guys, I hope for you to find a good place that fit your needs, thank you for your presence here  :heartbeat: !

 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 21:16 ]
I shame to be here have.  My friend shamed were.  I my picture not show here.  :crying:

 sakuma [ 02 Oct 2005 21:19 ]
Hey guys, I think you're overreacting. Posetteforever is NOT a porn site, I'm sorry for you guys, but those rules are not something new.

In the past I had to do the same, explained why to the author like now and there were not such reactions. I've not shamed anybody. So please don't throw dirt on me.

In any case I've to had that the common sense rule here is "not to go too far" and I deleted and will delete the pictures that are gone too far.

Last edited by Tormie on 02 Oct 2005 21:47; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 21:33 ]
Davide, you made the right choice :thumb:

 TdaC [ 02 Oct 2005 21:43 ]
I don't know Thilda, maybe we'll have to discuss it with other staff members...

 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 21:50 ]
Ok, I've just created a discussion group with the staff members, who are all the old dated members of PF and we will create new rules for the album.

In any case I don't understand these reactions, there are dedicated sites for extreme pictures and they are simply not the style of this site.

 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2005 22:35 ]
Yeah.  Well, I just got a rash of mail from the people here who left because they were upset.  Most of them belong to a discussion group we have over at Yahoo.  I can understand you want to run your own site because you're the owner and I respect that.  I truly do.  But you said up there that people complained about the pictures.  What people?  That's one thing I don't like.  If I have a complaint about something I have guts enough to say it to someone and put my name to it.  You say you don't understand why people reacted this way?  Because we're all friends, and what happens to one, happens to all of us.  I'm sure you can understand that, because you claim you did what you did to protect the people here.  Well, I'm just as protective of my friends.  I see you're going to start a discussion group with the older members.  Well, maybe that's what this complaint stuff is all about.  Someone was jealous because some people get more looks and comments than others.  I guess pangor's gallery trolls or whatever the hell he calls them are alive and well here, as well as at all the other places.  

Maybe we'll start our own site someday, and you know what, you will be more than welcome to join, and you can rest assured no one will ever delete your pics of Posy or Cupcake or whoever you want to put up there because of a complaint from someone who doesn't have the genitals - male or female - to publicly put their name to it

 Robert DeNiro [ 02 Oct 2005 22:55 ]
""?  You do?   And.               Oops I sent you the wrong reply.  I meet all kinds of people on here. How much does a complaint about something he or she have guts enough to say it to someone and put his or her name to it cost? Yeah I do a lot of not understand why people reacted this way. What makes you so certain? Of course I understand it. Do you understand that because you claim you did what you did to protect the people here ? That was my original intention.

 Posy [ 02 Oct 2005 22:55 ]
So long, kid.  You're a cool chick, and it's been nice knowing you, even if you ain't real

 Robert DeNiro [ 02 Oct 2005 22:57 ]
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