Email requirements for new registrations and more

Email requirements for new registrations and more
Post Email requirements for new registrations and more 
Hello   !

Due to recent misuses we had to change some requirements that are necessary to join our little site.

The most important one is that [color=darkred:3d9a3644fc]we won't accept anymore free email accounts[/color:3d9a3644fc] to join Posetteforever.
Posetteforever is not a commercial site and doesn't send you any kind of spam or unsolicited emails, never. So don't worry to use your official email address here. This is due to the fact that we have recently discovered that an user registered multiple times using different email addresses, everyone from free emails providers so that he/she avoided our TOS (for example uploading more than one picture per day in our album) and messed up the forum.

Actually I'm adding little by little the free email domains in our blacklist but they are a lot. We've not a lot of new accounts so it'll be easy to check the new members' email addresses and if it's coming from a free email provider [color=darkred:3d9a3644fc]the user will be locked since he/she will provide a different email address[/color:3d9a3644fc]

We'll blacklist [color=darkred:3d9a3644fc]all known free proxy servers[/color:3d9a3644fc] and "anonymizers" IP adresses range for the same reason.

You can contact me at if you have problems.


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Last edited by Tormie on 02 Feb 2006 02:39; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 06 Oct 2005 09:00 ]

Email requirements for new registrations and more
Just added a proxy detector: from now it's no more possible to connect here using a proxy server, the ip address will be automatically banned (I hope )

 Tormie [ 06 Oct 2005 14:43 ]
Thank you,


 pangor [ 06 Oct 2005 16:15 ]
We're back to "yellow condition" now, but we'll go "red" again if someone will joke with us again  

 Tormie [ 02 Feb 2006 02:38 ]
I only have a free account and I believe many people too  

Isn't that rule a bit restrictive for new members?


 PitKlad [ 03 Feb 2006 14:13 ]
It was due to some misuses than happened the last year PitKlad, in that period we had to enforce the security here, however we have no more the rule about free email accounts...

 Tormie [ 03 Feb 2006 14:56 ]
New members can have free emails, for awhile new members with free emails weren't allowed, but now they are again. I only have free emails too and i hope that we won't need to go back to the " not allowed to have free emails" again.

THe reason for why free emails weren't allowed for awhile was because of some problems that were caused by someone/s with free emails.  

 TdaC [ 03 Feb 2006 14:57 ]

 PitKlad [ 03 Feb 2006 14:58 ]
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