asking for login on pic upload

asking for login on pic upload
Post asking for login on pic upload 
hiya tormie...I just wondered why the album is asking me to login again when I go to upload a pic.  Is this a bug or is it intentional.   It is just a bit annoying to have to keep logging in twice...


 Guest [ 29 Dec 2004 06:40 ]

asking for login on pic upload
No, I think that it is a cookie problem, try to login, than logout, than login again clicking the link on the top of the page (logout/login). This should remove the cookie and write it again. I tested the album with a normal user account and it workd normally for me. Anyway tell me what happens...

 Tormie [ 29 Dec 2004 10:02 ]
Hi Davide...sorry but it is still asking me for the login again.  I logged out then deleted all cookies off my machine and temp internet files. Then I reopened IE and came back to the site and logged in. Then I went to album and tried to upload pic...and it asked me to sign in.
I just thought of something...I run an ad/spy blocker called zero popup, it is set to stop all pop up ads and spyware sites, maybe that has something to do with it. But I was running it on the site before the changes were made and have not changed any settings so I don't think that could be it unless you have installed something different on the site.  Anyway really appreciate you taking the time to work on this


 messenger [ 30 Dec 2004 18:05 ]
just did a quick check on my ad/spware thing and allowed everything and it didn't make a must be something to do with my user/password or something...

 messenger [ 30 Dec 2004 18:08 ]
I have seen this before. But it is not given me a problem at this time. But in the past I had to log
on twice. The first time it showed my AKA and the people on line here but did not log me in. Then the second time it lg just fine. So it must be Explorer. Do you have a 5.5? I have seen it do that with that browser.

 tda42 [ 30 Dec 2004 18:28 ]
Hi Kenny,   No I am using IE6  as I said before it never happened before we got the new site look so I think it is somehow connected with that but I don't know.  Thanks for the thought though.

 messenger [ 30 Dec 2004 18:40 ]
I made a little change on the album permissions, so please try again Angie. If nothing has changed I have sent a PM to you: I need to login as you and see myself...

 Tormie [ 30 Dec 2004 20:07 ]
He is logging in as Angie?
Hey don't try any funny stuff.     

 tda42 [ 31 Dec 2004 00:24 ]
I only chewed some candies and left there some dirty socks       ...

Last edited by Tormie on 31 Dec 2004 00:28; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 31 Dec 2004 00:26 ]
Ok, now I'm sure to know what's the problem and I'll solve it.

Angie, you've a cookie problem and you need to delete them from your PC or to set them properly.

The link on the horizontal bar to the album send you simply in the album

The link on the left sidebar send you to the album but add the session id to the link: the session id is that series of strange numbers that appears after the link's urls in the browser. The session id is an alternative system used to keep the user logged in even if he/she doesn't have cookies properly working, when you change a page with the session id attacked to the link you don't need cookies, but I think that when you come to the main page of the site you've to login every time because something is wrong with your cookies configuration... Once logged on you can go to all the pages with the session id, but you log out if session id is not attached...

At last: I'm learning how to attach session ids to each page of the site and I'll made it soon: The links in the pencil row were made manually by me and they works well with cookies, if someone goes logged out following those link he/she has cookies problem. I'll apply a patch soon...

Last edited by Tormie on 09 Jan 2005 15:22; edited 2 times in total 
 Tormie [ 09 Jan 2005 15:20 ]
Ok Angie, I fixed the links in the main bar (that one with the pencils), they should work for you now...

You've a "serious" cookie problem, I wrote a little tutorial here:

read it and I hope that it helps you even if now, even with cookies problems you shouldn't go logged out of the site but you've to login only the first time... Solve your cookie problem, it's better...

 Tormie [ 10 Jan 2005 21:53 ]
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