Site update in progress...

Site update in progress...
Post Site update in progress... 
Hi friends

Time has come for the announced site update. Posetteforever has been plagued by an incompatibility between the software and the database resulting in random funny behaviours. This is why I'm forced to an overall update.

This will keep a while, I've a "to do" map and all should go well.

I've also a full backup of all the data of the site, so, just in case, I'll roll it back, nothing will be lost.

This is something that can't be done automatically or by a script, I've to manually edit the database and upload data by a new format, this is why the site will be down for a while. Usually it take from 6 to 8 hours or more, but it could even take the whole weekend if I can't do it without sleeping...

In the first phase I restored the main data of the site: profiles, posts, pictures, files and attachments, then I'll turn on the site. Something will be missing: they are things that I can add while the site is running.

Actually, the main functions of the site should work normally.

Now it's nearly morning and I need to sleep, I'll continue tomorrow, but the site should stay opened while I work on it.

I've to fix the graphical elements and a lot of other things....

But for now...         

 Tormie [ 21 Dec 2008 04:32 ]

Site update in progress...
Post Re: Site Update In Progress... 
Thanks for all the work Davide. We know you work hard on the site to keep it
going and we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.          

 tda42 [ 21 Dec 2008 12:01 ]
Post Re: Site Update In Progress... 
  I can't even imagine
how much  'work  'this was...

I kept 'hearing—
all of the sawing  -and hammering...
'all the while ''''We were  in the fridg
and appreciate  it all  'Very Much...

'''''''''''''''' >-Burp-<
(worried if 'we will have to start  
'paying addmision )

We see 'all the work  'you do
and left 'a Budweizer—  in 'th fridg....

 leahman [ 21 Dec 2008 16:12 ]
Post Re: Site Update In Progress... 
Looks good so far, don't over work yourself Tormie, get rest and eat good between fixes
I'm about to re-do my computer, it's going crazy on me too. Weird lines on my desktop, blackouts, Poser doing weird things and shutdowns when I'm not telling it to shut down. Just bought a 760 gig external hard drive and working to move everything I need onto it, then reload windows and everything (pain in the butt) and hopefully that will fix the issues, if not time to take it to my pc people who built this computer and let them fix it. So hopefully I will not be gone too long but this time it's not my fault lol

Happy Holidays to all and I hope to be back before the Years end    

Love you guys  

 guiltypleasures [ 21 Dec 2008 16:39 ]
Post Re: Site update in progress... 
Ok, long time that Tormie has not been working on the site  

Well, I was waiting from the developer of the software to share his newest version with the theme that I like most   and some featurettes that I wanted

I was able to download a pre-copy of this software and I'm testing it just now. I prefer to do the work only once because I'm lazy, you know it very, very well  

I've also to write down a "path" on plain paper on what I'm doing for some needed modifications so that in future upgrades I'll know exactly what to change

Last thing to say is that I'm finally happy with the look and feel of the version on which I'm working on and I hope to share it with you all very soon  

So things missing will reappear , I'll take some fake illness days in order to have the job done for our 6th anniversary

 Tormie [ 28 Feb 2009 22:28 ]
Post Re: Site Update In Progress... 
Ok Davide. Wow! Six years, has it been that long?

 tda42 [ 01 Mar 2009 09:17 ]
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