Subject: Hawktoey's Boutique now open!
Hi all!
My boutique is now open for request! Thanks to the wonderful people here I have decided to return the favor and model whatever I can for all of you! Props, Clothing whatever your dreams are!

We will be starting out with the default Poser figures and if all goes well expand from there to include others. Don't forget you'll never know if you can have it, if you don't ask.

And as an opener to the Boutique I will be uploading a three legged stool prop for you all to use in your Pinups or bar brawl scenes!!

Thank you Posy and Davide!

Subject: Hawktoey's Boutique now open!
Thank you very much Hawktoey :bigrinnin: !!

[i:b31e1db838][size=9:b31e1db838]Post generated using with our Mailing List Service (M2F)[/size:b31e1db838][/i:b31e1db838] :home:

How about three-legged stool for a pinup-brawls scene? :-k

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