Plan "A"

Plan "A"
Post Plan "A" 
Ok, school started it's time for plan "A"! Probably you don't remember when I told you about my "dear" litterature teacher ( see #3 here ). This year he has the intention to make us buy his "nespaper" again and also said that we're sooo lazy and have to write artucles (for the "newspaper"). I really don't understand why we should pay to read articles written by us. :mmmh:  :uuh:
I quit journalism time ago but since he want articles I'll give him articles. Just look at the titles:
1) "Мasochism as a continuation of sex with other resources"
2) "Welcome to the perverted times!"
3) Sport as a waste of precious time and ressourses" (he also considers himself a football arbiter and thicks he's a big sport expert  )
4) "Stupidy attacks people!!!! "
5) "Is there a life.....IN GENERAL?"
6) " Congratulations! You have the unique privilege to waste 7000 hours of your life ! " (a message to the students which were admitted this year)
and more coming soon.
I didn't say this is a good plan.
If you have any better ideas please tell me. Now you know why I quit journalism. :lmao:  :)  :)

 erenda [ 20 Sep 2005 21:04 ]

Plan "A"
:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao: !!! Poor teacher  :uuh: !!

(Tormie is an ex soccer referee  :doh: )

 Tormie [ 20 Sep 2005 21:29 ]
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


 pangor [ 21 Sep 2005 09:06 ]
:sofahide: ...

 Tormie [ 21 Sep 2005 11:33 ]
Tormie why are you hiding?  :uuh: I'm not going to make you read them! Ok maybe just the one about the sport, :lol:

 erenda [ 21 Sep 2005 17:43 ]
:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

 JanReinar [ 21 Sep 2005 18:23 ]
My favorites are number 3 and 5 :lmao:, even though my dad is a soccer referee

 TdaC [ 22 Sep 2005 05:40 ]
7. The world and everyone in it are a dream of the author of the article, and will disappear when the author wakes up.

(If the teacher disputes is, ask him to provide ou with conclusive evidence that he is not a bad part of your dream.)


 pangor [ 22 Sep 2005 09:27 ]
Thank you Pangor but I already wrote a piece on such topic (and the teacher said it's pessimistic )  :)  :)  :)

 erenda [ 25 Sep 2005 07:26 ]

Not fun being your teacher, I think  :prrr:


 Ozymandias Jones [ 06 Oct 2005 02:23 ]
On the contrary, I found it more rewarding and stimulating teaching students like Erenda.  Even when doing things like this it shows that she is thinking and had real emotions.  To much of the time we have students who behave like tape recorders, they memorize everything but understand nothing; or worse the sort that hear nothing and seem to think nothing; or those who was to be stupid so the act that way on purpose.

One student would refuse to learn computations with positive and negative numbers, he claimed the he was too stupid to understand that information.  The first day no luck. The second I tired to reintroduce him to the number line again no luck, so I urned the lesson in its side.  I start a converstation about current events, which lead to talking about the sever weather that was in the news.  He was confused about my not talking about lesson.  I told him that I was tiered of the lesson and wanted to take a break, that was true.  Then the conersation shifted to talking about the how hot or cold it was here and there.  I made an intentional computational error reguarding temperture, he corrected me.  I then asked him various questions about the weather that required him to do computations to provide me wit the answer.  The questions were problems from the assignement rephrased as temprature above and below zero.  He never made one error.  When I told him that he had completed the assignment with a score of 100% he  appeared to forget how to compute tempratures.

On the other hand we had a student who was very intelligent so was transfered to our school, but she had been picked on sho much in the regular schools that she had a very bad personality.  When given assignments where sho could select a topic, she did similar to what Erenda is describing.  Once she learned that in that school, intelligence was respected  and not rediculed, and her talents were appreciated.  She became one of the star students of the school.


 pangor [ 07 Oct 2005 09:00 ]
:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

 posfan [ 07 Oct 2005 09:16 ]
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