Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser...

Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser...
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Here's something that is working for me.
I start out with Posette in a zero pose
import an .obj piece of clothing
move it, size it, etc.....
set parent to body and then save as prop.(smart prop)
open up WW
open up your prop to convert
p4 Posette to p4 Posette
and hit convert.
For this MD apron I used the normall clothing, tight fit and regroup (In WW).
For anything under the hip use a skirt fit or you'll have a slit in the front/back when you move your Posette legs apart.
Have fun!

 maovin [ 20 Aug 2008 15:14 ]

Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser...
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Ah, that's a trick my C-D will not do, as "source and destination the same"...

Result looks good !!

More, please ??

 Nik [ 20 Aug 2008 21:29 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Here we go again!
What a hassle this one was.
  Note to self when working with a full body prop
parent to hip.
Much easier to work................
Same as above    but parent to hip.
Have Fun..............

 maovin [ 21 Aug 2008 20:21 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Oooh, pretty !!

 Nik [ 21 Aug 2008 22:31 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
keep the good work Nik   !!

Thank you for your suggestions maovin!

This is a very interesting topic   !!

 Tormie [ 25 Aug 2008 00:20 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
helpfull hint when using a sitting pose with conforming clothes:
I was working on Nov. calendar and I wanted to use some clothes from WW I converted.
I wanted to put Lucy in a sitting pose. Now clothes weren't meant to sit (for some reason).
So I worked and worked at it for sometime..........(5 days later) Lucy didn't move.
Until I stumble on to some tools like chainbreak and fall off zones in the joint parameters.
I leave all those morphs WW adds to the end.
Now I know what you're saying you have to redo the joint zones but all the joint zones are same in both figures right down the center and going out to the bulges.
step 1: pose and conform clothes ..Holy Crap...!
step 2: chainbreak! This outfit's not that bad up on top... I just don't like those nasty
breaks along the V cut in the front. Now the outfit I used for Nov.'s was real nasty.
I just grab a body part and twist, side-side and bend (clothes of coarse) until I got what I wanted.
step 3: the bottom half. It took me awhile to figure this out!
I played with every joint zone (bulges + and -) there was until I said "this can't hurt".
So I grab the fall off (inter zone) zone and the clothing started to move.........sweet!
You could also go back to the top part of the outfit and use it too.........
step 4: everything is somewhat in place. So tweak away at all your morphs, dials and continue to pose................
Have Fun!

 maovin [ 25 Aug 2008 15:29 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Good work. I gave up for sitting positions and switched to dynamic dresses...

 Tormie [ 25 Aug 2008 18:46 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Thanks Tormie!
Yes, I would like to try dynamic clothes, Someday I'll get Poser 5,6 or 7. But until that day I hope all this playing around helps someone.      

 maovin [ 26 Aug 2008 18:05 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Of course, there are other members that still use Poser 4

 Tormie [ 26 Aug 2008 18:26 ]
It goes without saying.  I think I'm falling asleep.

 Posy [ 26 Aug 2008 18:26 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 

 Tormie [ 26 Aug 2008 18:29 ]
Post Poser 4 
Thanks, Maovin !!

Um, I'm still on P_4. I've got P_7, but cannot install it on my stand-alone 3GHz/3Gb CAD_PC because, like EI's C-D, it must 'phone home' to register. That's what prompted my foray into networking !!

Unfortunately, I've since looked at the P_7 manual and *glazed over*. Perhaps when I'm rested, I'll have another look but, for now, I'm staying with P_4 and C_D on this cut-down Browser_PC. Hmm, I suppose I could upgrade the 768 Mb RAM. That would be silly, though, as the CAD_PC runs twin screens...

D'uh, by the time I get everything settled, I'll need to replace the CAD_PC again. Twin or triple core AMD, 8Gb RAM and whichever Win_OS supports them. Of course, I still do not have a replacement for FloorPlan, or an OBJ modelling application that I can use...

 Nik [ 26 Aug 2008 21:22 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
I purchased P7 online last year and all I needed to do was insert the serial number and it worked. I noticed that it goes on the net every time I open it, but it never took any upgrades, I had to install them after a manual download...

If I rmind well, the registration form is not mandatory if not for the SN and the name.

 Tormie [ 26 Aug 2008 21:37 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Ya! It seems like all software requirements need that online support.  

 maovin [ 27 Aug 2008 13:44 ]
I agree. Interesting comparison.

 Posy [ 27 Aug 2008 13:44 ]
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