Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser...

Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser...
Post Finishing Maya/Anime Doll Freebies, Moving To Aiko... 
I've almost worked through my collection of MD/AD freebies using C-D.

Like the old saw about 'Dancing Bears', the wonder is that programs such as WW or C-D work at all, never mind so well !!

Gloves, some shoes, several dresses will NOT convert for Posette. A few items' re-grouping leaves zig-zag seams or features, leaving them un-sightly if textured.

Many AD freebies come as a PZ3 that cannot open without the commercial AD character installed. Other AD PZ3 files allow saving of a garment, but their resulting CR2 contains a 'string reference' instead of a 'hard' location for OBJ, so defy conversion. There are free 'mesh ripper' utilities on eg Renderosity, but they would be a last resort.

Against that, many MD/AD garments were easily converted, with excellent fit, often using default C-D settings. Some tops required slight tweaking using C-D's generic, under-arm and/or upper-side poke-through fixers. Several garments had problems on the pelvis, a few requiring *heroic* tweaks to clear...

I've now begun converting Aiko items. I deleted my original experiments as I now understand C-D better, and must arrange converted files more systematically.

A big problem with A3 is 'body morphs'. C-D cannot cope with garments tailored to a much-morphed character: Technically, it becomes a different character, requiring a new conversion matrix. I discovered this when trying to convert a smart ChrisT item, the red 'coke bottle' corset. After a dozen exasperating iterations, I went back to C-D's default settings and morphed the result using Poser's XYZ dials. Although obviously 'off the peg' rather than bespoke, this now fits the default Posette...

After filling Posette's wardrobe with MD styles, I only need a few Anime-ish Aiko items before tackling some classic V1/V2 garments.

Then I'll switch to converting Medieval-ish garb again. I have not tried adapting any more robes for P4M since my first attempts lost either the complete hip region, or everything below it. This may be a bug in C-D, a problem with P4, an artifact of Gloria Ghast's notoriously quirky old meshes or some combination. I'll need to do a lot more experimenting to spot a pattern. It may just require re-aligning either the original or C-D's output OBJ by opening / re-saving with UV-Unwrapper...

Um, would anyone mind if I posted a few low-res piccies with 'before and after' ?? I am not striving for photo-realism, just assembling enough costumes to visualise key scenes in several surreal short stories...

 Nik [ 13 Mar 2008 14:24 ]

Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser...
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
You can use Morphmanager to extract cr2 and props from pz3

 ahjah [ 13 Mar 2008 15:00 ]
Post Tricky Fits...... 
Hi, I had a few problems converting some of the Aiko3 freebies as they had nested clothes, requiring many iterations to beat poke-through of layers. It was like dealing with Russian rather than Asian dolls...

I learned a few tricks while tackling the KarinKore 'college' costume, so was able to tweak the infamous A3 Idol costume without too much hair-pulling...

So, here's Posette after a visit to the local fancy-dress costume shop...

 Nik [ 14 Mar 2008 19:36 ]
Hi there Nik. What happened to few problems converting some of the Aiko3 freebies as they had nested clothes requiring many iterations to beat poke-through of layers?

 Posy [ 14 Mar 2008 19:36 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Darned if that don't look pretty good NIK.   I know she is getting spoiled with all these clothes.

 tda42 [ 14 Mar 2008 21:03 ]
Post Famous MD Dress... 
Here's Posette with the famous MD dress...

Sadly, RQ's gloves wrinkled during conversion. The hair is an Aiko3 style which seemed to suit...

 Nik [ 15 Mar 2008 01:25 ]
Post Re: Tricky Fits...... 
Nik wrote: [View Post]
Hi, I had a few problems converting some of the Aiko3 freebies as they had nested clothes, requiring many iterations to beat poke-through of layers. It was like dealing with Russian rather than Asian dolls...

I learned a few tricks while tackling the KarinKore 'college' costume, so was able to tweak the infamous A3 Idol costume without too much hair-pulling...

So, here's Posette after a visit to the local fancy-dress costume shop...

This Idol costume had been originally made for Posette, before A3 was born.
I have it somewhere , but I'm afraid, the official download is down.
Its by ISOP, that's down, only a mirror exists http://isop2400.hp.infoseek.co.jp/miyou2.htm
but it's not there...

 ahjah [ 15 Mar 2008 02:56 ]
Post What Goes Around...... 
D'uh, back when I started with Poser, I did not bother with anything so modern or frivolous as the PopIdol dress...

Besides, I was on *slow* dial-up, and that is not a small down-load, even with broadband !!

I hope to work through some more Anime-ish Aiko costumes, then tackle a few Vic_x outfits before trying to convert some Medieval-ish robes for P4F & P4M. I'll try to post some examples.

Um, you've probably noticed I don't bother with complex poses, subtle expressions, tasteful textures, sophisticated settings: As I've said, I'm no Artist...

 Nik [ 15 Mar 2008 13:00 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
I made this "SF Tribal Armor Suit" for Dork with a Cross-Dresser Convertion of a Comercial Suit for Mike 3 from RDNA.

In truth, only the breast plate is a convertion character figure, the helmet, arms and leg protetions are smart props.

The suit worked well in some pics.

 JanReinar [ 15 Mar 2008 14:13 ]
I like to make things too.

 Posy [ 15 Mar 2008 14:13 ]
Post Mix & Match... 
Hi, I've just about finished converting Aiko3 items. A short, black 'goth' jacket took longest, as it was prone to poke-through by anything Posette might wear underneath. I had the choice of making it 'blouson' and baggy, or leaving it limited but severe. Finally, I comprimised, accepted it would not cover loose-sleeved tops, made sure it would match the rest.

Anyway, here's a classic mix & match: An Aiko3 'babydoll' top, plus a formal MayaDoll skirt: As Posette said, 'I SHALL go to the Ball.'

 Nik [ 17 Mar 2008 00:23 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
Looks good

 ahjah [ 17 Mar 2008 00:46 ]
Post And Something To Party In.... 
And something to party in...

 Nik [ 17 Mar 2008 01:30 ]
Post Student Exchange... 
Two KarinKore outfits, one Suikyou.

Charmed, I'm sure...

 Nik [ 17 Mar 2008 17:13 ]
Post Re: Wardrobe Wizard Vs Cross-Dresser... 
looks a bit funny on Posette concidering this clothes are modelled with a lot of "air" anyway...

 ahjah [ 17 Mar 2008 18:03 ]
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