Morph targets for Judy

Morph targets for Judy
Post Morph targets for Judy 
There is a poster at Renderosity looking for Judy morph targets (She says that she is enjoying working with her...); so I thought that if anyone here has any laying around, I'd recommend that she stop in and see them. {I have 4 or 5 characters that I've created; but they are cr2s, not morph targets.}



 Whazizname [ 08 Dec 2007 20:24 ]

Morph targets for Judy
I'll think about that.

 Posy [ 08 Dec 2007 20:24 ]
Post Re: Morph targets for Judy 
In our freebies are just PitKlad's "Beau P5 People"
I remember having done some trys on her some time ago, but didn't post them cos I wasn't satisfied with the result.
Her face is hard to morph, thats why there is not much stuff around.
There used to be some on , but the page seems to be down again :eh:
You can invite her anyway, maybe I can do something for her. I need some challenges from time to time, anyway.
And, you know, everybody's welcome, especially if they prefere working with Poser stock people :D

 ahjah [ 08 Dec 2007 20:56 ]
Post Re: Morph targets for Judy 
:wink:  :thumb:

 Tormie [ 08 Dec 2007 21:54 ]
I don't have anything to say to that.

 Posy [ 08 Dec 2007 21:54 ]
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