Hi, I'm new here on posetteforever, and I need serious help. I downloaded WonderWomanP4 on Poser and I have problems getting her to work. It needs "type2wcape.obj", but it only shows "Type2wcape.pcf". And for WonderGirlP4, it needs "type6wcape.obj", but it also shows "Type6wcape.pcf". The problem is... I CAN'T FIND IT!!!!!!!
Can anyone please help me where I can find "type2wcape.obj" for WonderWomanP4, and "type6wcape.obj" for WonderGirlP4? I need a step of instructions in how to get it. This is very imported.
And here is the picture what WonderWomanP4 looks like. Take a good look and see if that helps.
Please comment me.