Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site.

Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site.
Post Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site. 
AA's corner of the 'LaraCroft' site is gone, so half of his R***y freebie links have gone 404.

His 'Buck Rogers' mirror now has more gaps than 'Swiss Cheese'.

After finding the R***y links for his 'Basic Truck' and JCB 'backhoe' were dead, I went hunting, struck gold !!

The models are a bit clunky by modern standards, but always handy for scene fillers, squads of goons, flame-throwers for those giant ants etc etc...

There are even a few 'classic' items for Posette !!

I may have to take a few days out, I think I'm getting a bad cold: stabbing sinus pains, wobbly vision, wheezy cough...

 Nik [ 30 Dec 2017 00:48 ]

Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site.
Post Re: Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site. 
Thanks and take care :hug2:

 ahjah [ 30 Dec 2017 02:38 ]
Post Re: Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site. 
I think I dodged the cold; either that, or my 'flu vaccination has just earned its pay...

I've manually down-loaded about half the AA models so far (*), some-what 'helped' by our cats playing ' Chase The Cursor' or simply sat in front of the screens. Moving browser window to LHS screen, which overhangs the end of the desk, lets me work while they supervise.

One advantage of a track-ball is you can still use it with a sleepy cat sprawled across your arm. And the cat enjoys a free tummy-tickle as you work ball with thumb. Okay, sometimes shed fur gets caught under the ball, but I do de-lint that about twice a week...

I don't seem to use the old PC much any more, so I've ordered a nice, remote-controlled DVI switch-box from A*z*n, hope to link the old, smaller screen to this CAD Tower's twin graphics cards' fourth port. I think I've two spare high-spec DVI cables, and they may even be long enough...

*) Once upon a time, there were legitimate utilities which could 'scrape' a web-site. For better or worse, such are now seen by most servers as 'Denial of Service' attackers, hence shunned...

 Nik [ 02 Jan 2018 04:25 ]
Post Re: Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site. 

 JanReinar [ 02 Jan 2018 17:46 ]
Post Re: Anthony Appleyard's Intact Site. 
Hi !

I've reached the end of AA's set. By trying to make it accessible, I made the archive too big to handle.

Where possible, I unpacked each zip to a folder holding its Runtime, original zip & thumbnail plus my tidied 350x350 folder thumbnail, ready for external library use.

I have not 'Poserised' stand-alone OBJs.

All that comes to ~ 2 GB. Even zipped, the set is ~280 MB, too big to e-mail or post as-is.

But, I've kept the set divided per the 14 sub-folders of AA's site, which range from 10 MB~500 MB. The latter 7zips down 90% to 50 MB, which is impressive...

If you like, i can make a copy of the expanded set, go through and delete the unzipped Runtimes, making the disk usage much, much smaller.

eg the expanded 'Vehicles' sub-set is 66 MB, which 7zips to 5 MB. If I rip out each Runtime, sub-set is 4 MB as-is, which 7zips to 3 MB...

eg the expanded 'Underwater' sub-set is 520 MB, which 7zips to 50 MB. Or, stripped, is 36 MB, which 7zips to 30 MB.

Based on that, I reckon the set minus expanded Runtimes will 7zip down to 50 MB.

'Stripping' out the expanded Runtimes also removes the PCF seed files I've bundled, restoring redistribution compliance...

Have you room to store 20 MB against AA's site vanishing ? I can shove the set onto my Synology RAID, but that has no off-site access.

I can not find ANY non-PCF use restrictions, beyond keeping AA's ReadMe and his note of 'original modeller' if he has adapted a mesh.

Thoughts ?

 Nik [ 18 Jan 2018 20:38 ]
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