Help With Garment.cr2.bin

Help With Garment.cr2.bin
Post Help With Garment.cr2.bin 
I was wandering around Posermania, found some garments for LoRezViki. I don't know if C-D can convert them for Posette as I cannot retrieve the garments' CR2...

Posermania's URL is...

Although Posermania supports on-line translation, zip files only down-load with a picture-click if you use the native Japanese page. This means navigating with two versions of each page...

If your browser baulks at the site's Excite translator, the link to freebies is the fourth and longest entry under 'More Vivid':
If you cursor-over this, your browser may read it as

Several of the 'LoRez Viki' garments had OBJ, CR2 and piccy without library directories. Not a problem, as I would amend in CR2Edit.

Snag is the un-zipped CR2 files are called, eg, garment.cr2.bin. Even renaming them to .txt then .cr2 did not zap the .bin suffix...

Yes, I know about unZippers' different run-length support, but the OBJ files give good meshes in 3DOC. These CR2 files contain Note-pad readable text plus a heap of 'garbage' at the end. Resaving as .txt then renaming to .CR2 still did not make a valid character file readable in CR2Edit...
What am I misssing ??

 Nik [ 14 May 2008 01:44 ]

Help With Garment.cr2.bin
Post Re: Help With Garment.cr2.bin 
The Low-res Vicky page suggests using "Aladdin Expander"; I was going to suggest the same thing. The utility is now called Stuffit Expander; and is available from the new owners of Poser, Smith Micro. {Stuffit Expander is free, and some older versions include the "stuffer" too.}


 Whazizname [ 14 May 2008 13:30 ]
Who told you that?

 Posy [ 14 May 2008 13:30 ]
Post Re: Help With Garment.cr2.bin 
Free Stuffit Expander was a 16 Mb download, opening to ~ 25 Mb, has become bloat-ware, is a time-limited version of Stuffit Standard, and *really* annoyed my paranoid firewall by repeatedly trying to phone home during installation and initialisation...

It also tried, un-asked, to list all the archives on my system...

D'uh, every Poser down-load since mid-2003 is an archive file, many are duplicated or triplicated due back-ups, WIPs, category sweeps etc etc.

Finally, I'd had enough, un-installed the program and deleted the Stuffit down-load.

Good riddance. :devil:

And if I can't retrieve those LoResV files, so be it.

 Nik [ 14 May 2008 18:40 ]
Post Re: Help With Garment.cr2.bin 
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about the troubles with Stuffit, Nik.
The Macintosh version doesn't do anything like that. I've used Stuffit for over a decade, and never had anything like what you discribe happen.

Here is a thought; did you download the newest version?  (On the Mac download page, there are older versions available.) An older version might be less likely to "invade" your system, and certainly would be inline with the creation date of the desired freebies. (Now having said that...; I probably would NOT tryout Stuffit again, if it had done what you discribed on my system.}


 Whazizname [ 15 May 2008 01:30 ]
Post Retrieving Garment.cr2.bin 
Well, I tried a bunch of un-zip programs, got exactly the same messed-up CR2 files. Finally, I began comparing those files in both Notepad and Wordpad, began to wonder...

I do not know how or why the files came to be munged, but I've found a fix.

First of all, check you have both Notepad and Wordpad.

Open GARMENT.cr2.bin file with Wordpad. Start and end look like...

 UniformBlouse.cr2                                              cr2TPZ3A         >‘  ":¸à¯5àˆ¹à¼3   mBIN                â€šà•à¾  {

    number 4.2
figureResFile :Runtime:libraries:character:M_VickiClothes:UniformBlouse.obj
    displayMode USEPARENT
    locked 0
    setGeomHandlerOffset 0 0.3487 0
                                                                                                                    "   !    :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ༠༠    [ [ à¿

Very carefully delete the characters before first and after last curly brackets to leave...


    number 4.2
figureResFile :Runtime:libraries:character:M_VickiClothes:UniformBlouse.obj
    displayMode USEPARENT
    locked 0
    setGeomHandlerOffset 0 0.3487 0

Save trimmed document as a text file named GARMENT

Close Wordpad, as it lacks 'all files' save option.

Open GARMENT text-file with Notepad.

Save with 'all files' selected as GARMENT.cr2

Now the file appears as a 'real' CR2, readable by CR2Edit and Poser_4.

Of course, this leaves the CR2 pointing at an OBJ file in same directory, but cleaned-up CR2 may be tweaked by CR2Edit, while C-D writes a new OBJ into !Converted Geometries folder.

 Nik [ 16 May 2008 00:20 ]
Post Re: Help With Garment.cr2.bin 
:thumb:  :thumb:  :thumb:

:mmmh:  :redface:

 Tormie [ 27 May 2008 22:29 ]
Post Re: Help With Garment.cr2.bin 
I still do not understand what or how those files were munged, but I vaguely remember a utility that could 'compact' CR2 files.

I don't think that applies here...

I now think each CR2 was created or tweaked by the Japanese version of CR2 Editor, and REMs included. Unfortunately, splashing Unicode across the file had dire side-effects on UK/US version of Poser which only expects QWERTY...


 Nik [ 28 May 2008 00:01 ]
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