VRM Models

VRM Models
Post VRM Models 
Hi !

A free model I down-loaded at DA looked like MMD/Anime, but was VRM.

I've never ventured into Second Life or used chat avatars, so I began researching the format.

To my surprise, I learned that VRM files are open format, free to use and have a free figure creator / editor at https://vroid.pixiv.help/hc/en-us

Vroid promise 'other' export formats but, as yet, only support VRM and 3D print.

However, VRM is a GLB file in disguise. Just change the file-type. As GLB, may be opened by eg Windows_10 free '3D Builder', Windows_10 free 'Paint 3D' or free Noesis, exported in sundry formats.

Which is where the fun begins, of course, of course...

OBJ is almost too easy, '3D Builder' even lets you dissect models, save parts as 3MF for later or export as OBJ+MTL+PNGs. Latter may suit 'dynamic' clothing, something I've yet to try.

If you want to keep the 'rigging', the FBX route via Noesis has usual issues: Either Poser_11 splats it, or breaks it to 10~~20 sub-rigs that refuse to play nice. And, yes, must be tediously deleted via 'Hierarchy'...

Scaling is an issue. I found ~16000 (16k) % seems to work for Poser_11, YMMV.

Poser also had problems with the FBX textures. I'm not sure what's going wrong...

Oh, and after I'd imported and deleted several VRM-derived FBX models, Poser suddenly crashed, shut down...

Still, a fun afternoon.

Last edited by Nik on 11 Apr 2021 14:51; edited 1 time in total 
 Nik [ 11 Apr 2021 14:49 ]

VRM Models
Post Re: VRM Models 
:wink:  :thumb: Thank you very much Nik, I'll check it out! I'm not familiar with the format, but if I can get it to an .OBJ, then great!

You mention that Poser 11 doesn't handle .FBX well enough,... IYHO, which Poser version handle .FBX best :mmmh: ?

 rico [ 11 Apr 2021 16:22 ]
Post FBX Import ?? 
There seem three 'flavours' of FBX, 'classic' = okay, 'multiple sub-rigs' = exasperating and 'splat' = TOS Transporter Accident...

I thought was simply the version, FBX is now up to ~7.5 and the older the better, but I have recently met several late-version models which work perfectly. Yes, perfectly...

The only thing these well-behaved, single rig, fully-posable models seem to have in common was 'Rigged in Maya'. Which, some-how, does 'stuff' Blender, 3DOC, Noesis etc etc cannot.

Given Maya's famously eye-watering cost, I suspect Maya has licensed the authentic Autodesk FBX SDK module, while the others are reverse-engineered...

If artist's notes mention 'Rigged in Maya', the rig will probably behave well 'out of the tin'...

If 'Rigged in Blender', you could be lucky. I've met one (1) model thus, with full IK etc etc...

When I complained about FBX I/O across Rendo's forums, the Poser team 'sorta hinted' that it was being looked at.

IIRC, release news for 12.0 warned that some of the oft-belated fixes were reluctantly pushed back to 12.1, to coincide with the Apple release. Which has now appeared.

The forums do not mention any wondrous upgrade to FBX so, clearly, such did not get into 12.1.

May or may not appear in 12.2, anticipated for mid-Autumn, but that's when I'll have to upgrade my 11.3 to qualify for discount. Have begun saving my Rendo reward points to cushion the hit...

 Nik [ 11 Apr 2021 19:17 ]
Post Re: VRM Models 
:mmmh: Ah, thank you kindly! I'll note that about FBX :thumb: !

Yes, Maya is likely to have the original FBX SDK...

Have you played with Unity & its file import/export facility?


 rico [ 11 Apr 2021 19:52 ]
Post Re: VRM Models 
Ah yes second life fun, can be had with a third party viewer, which exports content.

 Chromium [ 12 Apr 2021 17:25 ]
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