Online 3DS, OBJ, STL Viewer.

Online 3DS, OBJ, STL Viewer.
Post Online 3DS, OBJ, STL Viewer.

Digging through archived freebies, it can be very, very hard to identify what is in an obscurely named zip. Matching a zip to an anonymous thumbnail is even worse...

I don't mind unzipping files to a temporary directory. Then, problems begin...

Bad enough when there's a tiny, tiny thumbnail PNG with scant detail. Really old files lack even those, but there's a free 'RSR to PNG' utility on eg SCG that will search a directory tree...

What can you do when there's only an OBJ or 3DS mesh, perhaps with a MTL file ?

Though Wings is very powerful, it seems to lack a 'fit to screen' tool. Also, you cannot 'drag & drop' OBJ to the program, you must import such. This is very tedious...

I had a quickie 'OBJ viewer' utility from my P4 days; it won't work in Win 8+.

Google found a free on-line tool, URL above. Drag and drop your OBJ file onto their web-page like a Google image search, and up pops the mesh. You can rotate it, too...

Job done !!

ps: If you're desperate, you can do a screen capture with {shift} PrtSc, paste into eg IrfanView, crop and save. I still haven't figured how to make the Wings' equivalent work...

 Nik [ 09 Apr 2017 00:35 ]

Online 3DS, OBJ, STL Viewer.
Post Re: Online 3DS, OBJ, STL Viewer. 
:thumb: Thanks a lot, looks interesting :D

 ahjah [ 09 Apr 2017 21:43 ]
Post Re: Online 3DS, OBJ, STL Viewer. 
Make that really, Really, REALLY useful.

Have now spent umpteen hours trying to untangle a vast downloads directory that some-how collected ~3500 files, a ghastly mix of ZIP, '7', RAR, JPGs & PNGs...

I think I downloaded most of these while VERY ill with 'flu this Spring...

Now the thing about SCG & R**y freebies is that their ZIP files have a name of sorts, but the piccies have numbers.

So, how do you match them ??

After some thought, and having twin screens, I put that directory sorted by type on one screen, sorted by date on the other.

At least this put many downloads from the each session adjacent...

Then it became a question of creating new sub-directories for each freebie, prefixed alien, bad (*), boat, bomb, bottle, box, coffin, drum, FX, gun, jar, set (**), tech, truck, vase, zoo etc etc...

Grab some 'low hanging fruit' and multi-packs first, then just grind through, hour after hour...

I've just managed to get the directory's file-count down below 2000, and the filing system is running *much* faster...

Upside, I've collected a lot of duplicates; either I was dozy, or I got the same freebie from both SCG & R**y. I just shove those in with their 'twin'.

Many others, I had to put in a sub-directory, unzip and inspect their OBJs. Workflow was significantly helped by the online viewer. Sadly, it is not quite clever enough to unpack & view an OBJ dragged from a zipped file...

*) Bad: uptie stuff, a heroine's occupational hazard.
**) Set: film-set as-is, or sundry props to populate it...

 Nik [ 10 Apr 2017 02:52 ]
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