Remember I got some free FBX figures from Mixamo ? (Free registration / log-in required...)
Guards, Mannequin, Peasant woman. All 'retro' FBX 6.1 format, T-posed by preference...
After my problems doing 'remote render' with the Medieval-ish Guards, I left the Mannequin and Peasant aside. With the 'Guards' self-resolved, I suspect some arcane Windows' Update issue(s), the others have floated to top of my Poser 'ToDo: Short-ish' list
So, Mannequin FBX: ~ 37 MB. Contains own textures, unloads them to an FBM folder during import. Does so at default 100% original scale, with single compliant rig, T-posed, stood. Single material auto-loads diffuse, gloss, normal/bump and specular textures.
D'uh, why can't more FBX models 'Play Nice' thus ??
Readily posable within reasonable limits. Just click on relevant body-part, twirl xyzRotate dials. Replace supplied texture set with eg shop-plastic, marble, mummy bandages etc to taste.

I ran figure through a free UV mapper, found a 'layout' that matched diffuse texture. Here's a 'finder' map. The 'B' shape is head, dense patch in its mid-line is chin. What would be mouth on hood-flared cobra if you sorta squint a bit. Easy to daub features using eg free Irfan View...

After I've done much the same for the 'Peasant Woman', I'll investigate other Mixamo freebies, also their free rigging service. I don't expect a Panacea but, being able to sufficiently auto-rig even some OBJs, or re-rig some cranky, multi-sub-rig FBX files would be so nice.