Bad Dream

Bad Dream
Post Bad Dream 
Time: Future. So, there I am, working with the *BIG* Tesla coil, the conjugate mirror and the ferrite-array phase-shift module, when there's a loud POP and FLASH-- When I finish coughing ozone and checking for damage from that arc-over's ball lightning, I notice I'm not alone in my cellar workshop any more. He's Mid-Eastern, dressed in swirly silks, doesn't look like a typical Jihadist. His ornamental belt-knife is a bit on the scimitar-sized. He didn't come through the door: Opening my cellar's Faraday Cage cuts the power. He is *slightly* transparent... I glance over to the optical bench and the holography table, there's nothing running. ''D'uh, hello...'' I offer, ''Are you a Time Traveller ?'' ''YOUR KIND WOULD--'' Plaster dust and dried blue-tack blobs shower from the ceiling. The Faraday Cage shrieks, buzzes, rattles and clatters like a Heavy Metal concert during accidental feedback. He gulps, tries again at a level below painful, ''Ahem: Your kind would call me Genie or Afriit.'' ''Er, Hello, Howdy, Salaam, Bonjour, Guten Tag, whatever: What brings you to my humble workshop ?'' ''My ectoplasm was running low.'' ''Ah, I might be able to rig a feed, but...'' ''No, no... I have derived ample nutrition from your sparkly device.'' He chuckled. Rather than sounding jolly, that had subsonics like a funnel cloud... ''May I open the door for you to leave ?'' ''Not yet.'' He chuckled again, ''Are you ignorant of the old legends ?'' ''None of my business.'' I shrugged, ''I can offer you coffee, but only Instant. There's some yoghurt and bread rolls in the fridge that should comply with Islamic food rules. I've some tinned chicken & mushroom soup in the cupboard, salt on the table, water in the tap...'' ''Too kind !!'' He chuckles, ''You are a cool one-- Are you a Wizard ?'' ''I'm an Amateur Scientist, is all.'' I sighed, ''But I suppose we've evolved from those old Alchemists...'' ''Ah, you follow the Alexandrian Tradition ?'' ''Figured the Earth was round, got a fair estimate ? Now, THEY were real smart. I'm just a hobbyist-- I do this for fun.'' ''You stand on the shoulders of giants-- and know it.'' ''Too kind.'' I nodded, ''But you look as if you have something else on your mind...'' ''Ahem...'' He chuckled, ''I am required to return a kindness for a kindness.'' ''Well, it was the best ball-lightning toroid that rig's blown in months, CCTV caught it, I reckon we're even.'' ''But I did not ask: I am obliged to you.'' ''So.... ??'' ''You get a Wish.'' ''No, thank you.'' I stated, ''You've also given me material for a short story, we're well even.'' ''You do not want a Wish ?'' ''Look...'' I waved around, ''Science don't work on Wishes, I'd be dishonest, I'd be cheating.'' He puzzled, ''You are old: Do you not wish for Youth ?'' ''Hey, I'm not that old, not for this era !! I've several active decades ahead of me-- D'uh, and to be young and foolish again ? Think with my hormones instead of my head ? No thanks !! I might not be so lucky this time around !!'' ''Ah, you are a Philosopher.'' ''If you like...'' I shrugged, ''Took me long enough to garner the rudiments of wisdom...'' ''Then would you have Wisdom ?'' ''I'm only human-- it would drive me mad.'' ''Fame ?'' ''Don't like fuss. Or crowds. Also, there is Fame and Fame.'' ''Ah, you are modest, too... Fortune ?'' Again, I waved around, ''This came from my pocket-money. I'm not poor. If I had more, it would only go as tax. Worse, I'd need to explain getting rich suddenly.'' ''Your people have a Lottery--'' ''Dishonest.'' He inclined his head in salute, glanced beyond the walls, ''You write stories ? Do you not wish fame thus ?'' ''They're not bad, some are quite good, but they're not Commercial.'' ''You wrote a novel ? Surely many would pay to read it ?'' ''Niche subject: I'm not ashamed of it, but it is NOT best-seller material. No way will I go to the Vanity Press. Leave it as an e-zine.'' ''Hmm... Your wife is sick ? You do not Wish her well ?'' ''I would if I could, but there is 'improbable' and 'impossible'. Wednesdays, she's in day-care. I've done the shopping, I've time to play.'' ''She is dying ?'' ''No more than you or I... She just collects medical problems-- One damn thing on top of another...'' ''My Powers are great--'' ''So have a look, if you like, but no obligation.'' He faded to invisibility. I checked the Tesla for burns, reset the breakers in the capacitor-pack's charger. ''Ahem...'' He was back, ''About that novel ??'' ------------- And, yes, I know it is derivative, but ...

 Nik [ 07 Dec 2007 20:39 ]

Bad Dream
Post Re: Bad Dream 
Just when it was going, you stopped....

 Chromium [ 28 Jun 2016 16:50 ]
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