P4 Infants

P4 Infants
Post P4 Infants 
On behalf of all the cute adorable little P4 Infants (not P4 children, not Millenium babies, not Cubed babies), I wish to say - there's not enough stuff out there for this little bunch !

Not enough character textures, clothes, hair, morphs .....  No fair !

And I can't very well have my little P4 infants catching cold, can I ?

This is probably the most neglected 3D figure group.  Poor things....  Some kind nice people, please pay attention !

Auntie Posette and Unca Dork get a lot of attention, why not the P4 Infants ?

 ibr_remote [ 08 Jul 2005 04:06 ]

P4 Infants
I have seen some really cute children at Renderosity. but I can't remember who was the artist. It had to be one of the most heart melting pictures that I had ever seen. I think things like that is around. In mayadoll and other forms souch as that. You might do a search on those sites and ask some artist about it. It is kind of like sara and koshini. No damand sad to say leads to no money and the popularity over rates the cuteness. Its a shame.

 tda42 [ 08 Jul 2005 04:33 ]
Heh heh, actually, I think a lot of people underestimate these P4 Infants - they make very good low-res (and therefore not computer resource hungry) figures in scenes - can be baby elves, baby fairies, baby sprites, and even baby vampire !!

But I agree - they are too cute and sweet !

 ibr_remote [ 08 Jul 2005 04:40 ]
Hello, ibr_remote, and welcome to Posetteforever.

In fact, I have used the P4NI in one of my works, but he or she was not quite all there.  Our member TdaC, used the infant in one of her works as a baby fae.  I have seen a site a while back with morphs and clothing for the Poser 4 Nude Infant, I will see if I can locate it.


 pangor [ 08 Jul 2005 05:21 ]
Yeah i have morphed the p4baby and made textures, if i find them i can upload them to freestuff. Meanwhile her are 2 sites that have studd for the p4baby.
The second site also has stuff for Posette.



 TdaC [ 08 Jul 2005 06:27 ]
Thanks very much, Everyone !  My P4 babies are already happy and excited.  Looking forward to it all.   

 ibr_remote [ 08 Jul 2005 06:35 ]


 pangor [ 08 Jul 2005 06:52 ]
Welcome ibr_remote!  

 Tormie [ 08 Jul 2005 06:52 ]
Hi there here's a texture for the p4baby. I'm in a hurry so i don't have time to put it in the freee stuff. Feel free to move it.

[done, thanks for the texture--pangor]

 TdaC [ 08 Jul 2005 06:54 ]
Wow this is great !  THANKS !!

Hi "Tormentor"

 ibr_remote [ 08 Jul 2005 07:02 ]
The texture is now in the free stuff section.


 pangor [ 08 Jul 2005 07:30 ]
You're welcome and thanks pangor

 TdaC [ 08 Jul 2005 09:44 ]
Thank you Thilda     !

 Tormie [ 08 Jul 2005 11:18 ]
Thank you Thilda!   

 JanReinar [ 08 Jul 2005 13:19 ]
You can find baby various textures here:


 JanReinar [ 09 Jul 2005 01:05 ]
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