It's NOT for porn!

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Post Re: It's NOT for porn!

#31  Tormie 09 Mar 2005 21:01

Wise words GP   !!

@ erenda, I think that the way the children see nude, sex and porn depends on their parents' explanations. My mother explained me what I saw on the tv screen or on paper, saying for example that porns are not what happen in real life. The big problem is that parents prefer to change the channel rather then give some healty explanations to the kids, so the kids that are naturally curious will search for explanations on other sources, tipycally from friends, so they will see the reality distorced for a long time. I don't think that the right thing to do for protect children is to change the tv channel. Anyway there are things that are so disgusting that can be shown directly to a child, like corpses, blood or things like those because they will scare them and cause trauma.

@ Pangor: I don't know how that episode with those news people could happen there. Here all the tv are covertly controlled by politic, you should know something about it, our prime minister is a TV Tycoon and controls a very large part of the informations media (I know that it couldn't be possible in a civilized country   ). The 3 channels of the "national" TV before the fall of Soviet Union were "peacefully" controlled by the larger political party: The first by the "christians democratics", the second by "socialist" (I think that "socialist" means a little different here from "communist") and the third by the communist party. There were nothing official but it was the situation. The commercial TV was largerly controlled by the actual prime minister. Now he has become the prime minister so you can imagine who controls ALL the TVs , lol   ...

Anyway if something similar would have happened here the fired man simply would have gone to an "opposite faction" TV, received as a hero.
But I don't really think that something similar could happen here, simply to order to someone to stay at work while his family is burning is disgusting, I can hardly believe it and think that nothing has been done by the spectators or by any organizations       ...

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#32  pangor 09 Mar 2005 22:46

He was the star reader their second level tier news programs.  Weekends, Holiday, Noon, etc broadcasts.  When I first notice his disappearance, I thought he was using some vacation time and/or sick days to reestablish a home for his family.  After a little while, we (my family and I) realized that something was not right, so I contacted the station to inquire or if it was appropriate to logde a complaint.  I was given the bum's rush and nothing good became of it.  I mentioned him to various people that I knew watched his broadcasts.  Before his disapperance they claimed to be fans of his, afterwards they were dismissive of him and his situation.  If he were a part of a national broadcast rather than a local news show, it might have been different.

By disreguarding a direct order, he would have been seen by management of his station and a problem personality.  Once some one is seen that way by his management, the management of the other stations in the same market would not have wanted to take the risk of hiring a potiential trouble maker.  Also, as long as he was working, he would have been in demand by the station's competition, once terminated, he would have been considered a "has been".  It is strange, but I have seen it happen in other fields as well.



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#33  rayera 10 Mar 2005 03:59

Reading all reply here I see how diferent can be the culture of diferent countries, in the TV and radio of my country it's easy to hear some words that could be called derty, but they are part of the commun lenguage and we assume that it's a little hipocrit to get mad about them if you can hear them everywhere (home, school, street) (of course, there are really derty words that offend, and you won't hear them), I don't understand when I see MTV all that strange  PIPs in the liric of the songs, somebody tell me it's because somebody could feel ofended... then don't listen MTV, that's freedom, when you choose what to see and what to listen, and not let others desides for you.
About nudity, some years ago, I saw in the Brazilian TV a promotional for the Rio Carnaval showing a garota (girl) dancing with a beautiful body painting and totally nude just covered by the painting and with one breast even unpainted, I saw the promotional in a commercial of a program for childrens in the afternoon, and I'm shure no mothers or fathers of that country saw that commercial like a dangerous thing for the mind health of their children, because the culture of that country  IMHO is much more andvanced in the concept of beauty and porn, believe me what I saw was beautiful not porn and was an almost naked woman, I think we must not understimate the inteligence of our childrens and if we are good parents and show the true diference between something good and something bad and that some words can be used in some moments  and some words in others moments and with other pleoples (I thing it's called respect) we must not be affraid of what they see or listeng, resuming, it's a matter of culture and education I think. (don't see my mispels please)

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#34  pangor 10 Mar 2005 07:37

Very well said, Rayera.

Like I was saying about being "protected" from the beauty of art and be a very dangerious thing.  Such an incident that happened back when I in as I recall my eigth year in school so the  ages of the students in that class were between 13 and 15 years old.  The school year was coming to the end.  Thinking back, I believe that we had less than a week left before the end of the term.  There was not enough time left to start anything new, so my english litrature teacher was trying to occupy our remaining time in class with other little educational items.

One thing he did during his summer vacations was to travel the world, so on this day he was delivering a slide show presentation of pictures he took while visiting Europe, he said that teh next day would be Asia and the day after Latin America.  I was watching, listening, and enjoying the presentation of his European travels.  I think that I was the only student who was enjoying it, the rest of the students were bored and ignoring the presentation.  Then one particular slide came up, it was of a statue.  He asked us if anyone of us could identify the statue.  I did, it was the [i:bf3d0bceb8]Venus de Milo[/i:bf3d0bceb8].  He then asked me about the its history, I started to mention what I knew of it.  His expression was one of suprise.

That is when one of the other students, a boy, noticed the image on the screen and caused the rest of them to take notice as well.  Their reaction to the sight of the nude Venus statue was to go wild, they grabed at the slide projector and broke it.  They ripped off the slide magazine and spilled the slides on the floor.  They boys and girls alike then started to fight for possesion of the slides which they were trying trying to find more images of the same images on.  I remained in my seat well away from their activities.  The teacher was not able to regain control of the situation, they were out of control.  The only thing that stopped them was when the bell rang announcing the end of the session.

The next day when it was time for the same class to begin, what do you think happened?  The students came in as usual and were as roudy as usual, but the teacher was not there.  A few minues after the final bell to signal the beginning of the session rang, the teacher came in along with one of the vice principals.  The teacher then had to read an prewritten apology to the class, in which he had to acknowledge the terrible and permanent damage that his improper actions had caused to the students.  None of the students  who had misbehaved were ever disciplined for their actions.  However, for the remaining few day of that school year, someone from administration always sat in all the clases of that teacher, to make sure that he does nothing else to harm the students.

I know that his all sound quite ludicrous, but I can assure you that it did happen.  And it was not an isolated incident either, somthing similar to that happened twice more during my time in that school.



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#35  rayera 10 Mar 2005 16:54

I think your example express more clear what I mean Pangor, that was a total lack of respect, and  a clear show of bad education in a, I supose, advanced society, I know there is not comparison but do you remember the Jannet Jackson insident?, a woman demanded her for moral damaged!!!  that was a very big scandal!! LOL  I never understood that kind of behabiour of the USA people, a guy from there once told me that 's because there are a lot of diferent creeds and socials groups and is hard to have happy everybody, I steel not to understand, I think there are much more important thinks to be worried about that are by far more dangerous and ofensive, and maybe this behabiour works to cover all that, in the years of tiranic military goverment of my country a world championship of soccer worked to cover thousand of murders and a stupid falsely patriotic war to hide terrible crimes, we are learning very slowlly after 23 year of pure democracy to give the real importance to each thing, and to love the real freedom to learn, to teach, to see and listeng what we want to, but as I said it's all a matter of culture, and sometimes the culture (bad or good) of a human grupe is even stronger than the lows or the true, I'm very sorry about that insidentof the Venus de Milo Pangor, I don't imagine how could have feel a person like you, it's easy to see you have a very open and clear mind...
Ha!! about nude women in class, the iconography of my Republic is a strong and naked woman from waist up (like Venus de Milo) with a frigid hat, a spair with our flag and the national seal as a shield, a very beautiful sculpture that is in the main hall of the Congress (like your Capitolium)in Buenos Aires and wich photograph was on the blackboard of my 4ยบ year of school
It could be a great chalenge try to tourn Posette into La Patria ( as we call Her) don't you think

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#36  Tormie 11 Mar 2005 00:08

I think that it should be a nice thing to see   !!

It's very interesting to read something from the history of other countries with personal experiences !
The "talking users" here represents well a large part of our world, need someone from the far east   and Africa !

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#37  pangor 11 Mar 2005 01:56

It sounds like it would be a beautiful scene.

Wow, the J. Jackson incident is even talked about down there?  I didn't think it went beyond the border.  
My opinion of that issue is that if it really was an accident then that is the end of that.  But considering some of the details that were reported about the incident, I don't think that it was an accident.  Rather, I see it as a preplanned event that was a cheap exploitation of the adolescent thinking of their target audience.

Oh, Tormentor, don't forget about someone from Oceania and someone from Antartica.



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#38  Tormie 11 Mar 2005 04:42

Ozymadias is from Oceania and Tdac and Deviant Viking are not in Antartica but it's very cold there !

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#39  pangor 11 Mar 2005 07:34

OK, One locale down, and for the other locale, a close match .

Guess what I saw on television tonight?  A picture of Rodin's "The Kiss".  It was shown briefly and rotated at an unusual angle but the angle did not hide everything and they did not use some other trick such as using a caption postioned to obscure the view!



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#40  Tormie 11 Mar 2005 15:15


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#41  Poserkatz 11 Mar 2005 22:57

Again very interesting postings.  

I agree with GP: all over the world we have our probs in our counties,
sometimes similar to others, sometimes different from others.

Here in Germany - and i'd bet, also in other countries - you have to
listen to the news DAILY, because, if you don't listen for one or two
weeks, you'll don't understand the most news, because they don't tell
you the basics anymore after some days - they think, you are "in" and
follow constantly, they seem to think, that there are no people far out
like me, who don't listen the news every day...

If i switch on, i listen the news as follows: "The rebels are on the way to
hit the main city". Then i think to me: In which country? They don't tell me.
I think: "What's going on? And where? And why? Civil war? and so on..." -
the news don't tell me the basics facts and therefore i don't know anything
about, because i've only listen once a week or once a month.

In the last years i think, I've passed about 23 civil wars - 17 catastrophes -
14 political murderings and so on - because i'm not noticed the NEWS on

Is it bad? I don't think so, it's not bad to me - i've no fears for what i don't know.
The medias struggle you all the time, 24 hours a day - and you don't have time
for deeper thinking or deeper understanding for what's going on in the world.
To me often it's only a great "comedy in the world", sure, bad comedy, but comedy.

To suggest you FEAR seems to me a very big deal to agencies, TV, newspapers...
People with a lot of fear stop logical thinking, people with too much fear are typical
victims to dictators or extreme politicians.

But i have my own mind, my own thinkings and if i see behind the curtains, there is
nothing that bad shit in the political world, double-moralism and lies.

My last 2 cents to this thread.  

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#42  pangor 12 Mar 2005 00:36

TORMENTOR";p="19433 wrote: 

"The Kiss" is a statue created by Rodin.

Here are two links that provide images of it from two different angles.

Considering what has been mentioned in this thread, I was suprised to see it on broadcast television.



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#43  Tormie 12 Mar 2005 02:08


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#44  pangor 12 Mar 2005 09:16

It is no problem, Tormentor.



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#45  TdaC 12 Mar 2005 11:05

If that sculpture was shown on swedish tv, no one would say anything about it. Why are you surpriced it was broadcast?

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