
Post Boooom! 
Well...another year. Sept. 1, 2010 I got another year older. Thank you Thank you. To top it all off my computer started on fire, there was smoke, there were a few choice words tossed out here and there  :bad-words: . So right now I am in the process of picking up the pieces. I'm trying to revive my hard drives on my old machine, which is what I am using for the time being, in hopes that my work didn't get toasted. May be a few months before I am able to afford to get my main machine back up and running. But on the plus side...I'm a year older.  :roll:
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.

 Marv [ 06 Sep 2010 07:34 ]

Post Boooom! 
:friends: First of all: Happy belated birthday Marv! :party:
I saw it on the birthday reminder some days before but I missed it due to my health problems :sorry:
I'm sorry to hear about your PC problems. I hope there's not too much data loss...

 ahjah [ 06 Sep 2010 17:23 ]
Post Re: Boooom! 
:koo: Dear Marv


I'm sorry that i didn't noticed it :redface: ... But you know, it can happen on Posetteforever :whistle:

(Well, you all know that I don't really forget any birthday because I send an email to everyone :D !  :uuh: I don't really know why I forget them a minute later :mmmh: :dontknow: )

I'm sorry for your machine, I can't know what happened there, but usually it come from the PSU, the mainboard or the video card, your HD should be safe, if it doesn't smell bad, it should be ok...

Thank you for being a regular of Posetteforever Marv :hug2: And now, for you, we've our usual party :hurrah: :party: :pizza:  :-({|=  :happybirthday:  :accordion:  :clinton:  :beers:  :fireworks:  :present:  :go:  :party:  :piano:  :daisiesforyou:  :ROTFLMAO:  :popcorn:  :droll:  :clap:  :clap:  :friends:  :friends:  :friends:  :hug2:  :hug2:  :hug2: :panda: :D :panda:

 Tormie [ 06 Sep 2010 21:28 ]
Post Re: Boooom!!  :D

 Marv [ 07 Sep 2010 00:04 ]
Post Boooom! 
It was the mainboard. We have had some power outages here of late and it took it's toll on the capacitors. Saved one hard drive and still trying to revive the other.  :pray:

 Marv [ 07 Sep 2010 00:06 ]
Post Re: Boooom! 
Poor Marv! I know, I have been there before. Small
solid state with millions of volts don't mix. :uuh:

 tda42 [ 10 Sep 2010 19:18 ]
Post Boooom! 
Revived both hard drives and transferred them to a portable 500gb backup drive for the time being. Using my old machine for now. Not ideal but it will have to do until I can afford to fix my main PC.  :sad:

 Marv [ 11 Sep 2010 07:01 ]
Post Re: Boooom! 
:afterburner: — FIRE

is seldom 'a good thing ...i'nside a computer...

I'm 'so sorry... how things 'went for you...

JUST Know— that we are thinking about you
and that things will turn and  'be better...

Your friend

 leahman [ 11 Sep 2010 18:15 ]
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