A PF member is in need.

A PF member is in need.
Yes, I have just seen it too.  Erenda, it was uploaded while I was sending you the PM. after posting my prior message in this topic.  I agree with you.


 pangor [ 30 Jun 2005 03:18 ]

A PF member is in need.
I emailed her, hoping that it helps   ...       

 Tormie [ 30 Jun 2005 09:02 ]
Thank you everyone.

I first invited her to join PF because, well you can see from her posting what sort of personality she has, and I thought she would fit right in.  She has  been not too certain of her artistic abilities, this would be a less intimidating place than the big R for her to grow in.  Now, more than ever, I am hoping that this place can help her heal and grow.

Excuse me Erenda, I hope this does not offend you. When Erenda first came here, she was rather timid and was not sure of how her artitic abilites and styles as expressed in her works would be accepted.  As a result of atmosphere of PF, Erenda has grown in abilities and her subject matter has also evolved.  In Erenda's early works I detected a young lady in pain the newest works (rather than new uploads of older works), are gloriously different.  Even in the darker of the newest works, there is a ray of hopefulness, that Erenda's early work did not show.  Erenda, my friend, this palce has helped you to both grow and heal.

Erenda, you both have somethings in common.  You are both wonderfuly talented young ladies who with time and practice will be able to create works that could rival or even shame the great masters of art.  Being young, you have the great gifts of youth, time, adaptability and rapid growth of skills and abilities to match your natural talents.

Thank you everyone.


Last edited by pangor on 01 Jul 2005 06:07; edited 2 times in total 
 pangor [ 30 Jun 2005 09:44 ]
I sented my email too ( it took me a lot of time to write it :doh:)  . I'm hope she'll be ok.                  
This really hurts...

 erenda [ 30 Jun 2005 18:06 ]
How long has about one of our members he or she first came to know her at Renderosity through her art been bothering you? Have you asked her about it?

 Posy [ 30 Jun 2005 18:26 ]
Pangor, you don't know how good psyhologist you are.   I was suspecting someone will make a paralel between me and Angel , but you said so much things which are true...(Well I hope we don't have that much in common. I'm talking about my past..I shouldn't say that) However when Angel came for a first time I thincked she's te full opposite of me, but I was happy there was someone at my age. But believe me nobody , exspecially Angel  need such a exemple as me.               
off-topic: I need a bigger english-bulgarian and bulgarian-english dictionary.

 erenda [ 30 Jun 2005 18:47 ]
It is only fair that I mentions someone else who this site has helped to heal.  Me.  A few years ago, something bad happened in relations to the internet.  As a result, I withdrew and limited my activities to off-line or being a lurker only.

Then I came here.  What brought me here was a picture that Tormentor had posted to the newsgroups.  Because of a poorly run server by my ISP, I didn't see the picture the the original commentary.  I saw only fragments of the commentary as quoted by others replying to the posting of the picutue.  Those fragments and the replies interested me and I wanted to see the actual picture and all of Tormentor's description of it.  Latter, I saw the URL of this site in a quotation of something posted by Tormentor, and I followed it here.

I was used to sort of sites where nobody cares who is there or not.  If you have a problem registering, too bad.  When I first registered here, there was a system glitch and I never recieved the confirming email with the activation URL.  I saw a news item on the portal page talking about system slowness, so I thought that was the reason.  After a week or two, I sent Tormentor a message, asking for assistance.  I had expected that the acount would be deleted so that I could try again, or having a new copy of the activation URL sent to me, or nothing at all to be done.  I also had expected for it to take weeks or months for anything, if anything to be done.  That is what I have experienced else where over the years.  Instead, I had sent the message just before I went to bed.  When I got up the next morning, I already had a reply from Tormentor, he had established and activated my account!  That was the fastest and most helpful response that I ever had to a problem on-line!

As I lurked here, I wanted to speak up several times, but years of luking can be hard to overcome.  Also in the communities that I was involved in the past, you had to have something to offer before you were welcomed to join in as an active (as opposed to lurking) member.  So, foolish though it was in hind sight, I remained silent until I had "After the Evening" ready to be uploaded.

While I was lurking here, I was active at another place on-line, most of the people there were nice, but an incident happened that almost had me returning to being a lurker only.  It was this site, PF, that helped me to not retreat that way again.

Now looking at how much I chatter, i bet it is hard for anyone to believe that I was silent for so long!  And it is this site that is to thanked (or blamed?) for my being able to be myself on-line.

Once again, thank you Tormie.


 pangor [ 30 Jun 2005 20:42 ]
The newsgroup !! Damnit I forgot the newsgroup... (Tormie goes there to upload his last pic)

Thank you for your words pangor, actually I'm only sorry that many of our friends are out of here for a reason or another :sad:, maybe I failed with PosetteForever formula or I'm not able to promote it enough... But at last for me it's enough to have a little place with some real friends to talk with...

Actually, as usual, I'm not present as I would in the album that is the most living part of the site for active members (the larger part of the users are "download lurkers"). Sometimes there are not posts in the forum but a lot of comments in the album   ...

Angel was here today, said "Hi" and disappeared...

 Tormie [ 30 Jun 2005 21:05 ]
I'm worried about her...a lot...I've just received er replay to my email. It is pessimistic ....a lot!       I feel guilty.

 erenda [ 30 Jun 2005 21:09 ]
Erenda, I don't think you mean to say "guilty", that implies that you have done something wrong.  I think you mean "sad" or "bad".


 pangor [ 30 Jun 2005 23:09 ]
That's exactly how I felt guilty-because I thinked I had done
 someting wrong...

 erenda [ 30 Jun 2005 23:46 ]
I really don't know how.


 pangor [ 01 Jul 2005 00:01 ]
Falsificating school documents ?

 Tormie [ 01 Jul 2005 00:33 ]


 pangor [ 01 Jul 2005 01:47 ]
I spent some time in Canada as a child.

 Posy [ 01 Jul 2005 01:47 ]
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