The Joke that became "After the Evening"

The Joke that became "After the Evening"
Post The Joke that became "After the Evening" 
Sometimes how we are inspired to create the images that we render can obvious.  At other times it is alot more ironic that obvious.

After getting the inspiration to start working on 3D art again.  I started following the bryce and Poser binaries news groups again.  I found a lot more spam in there than in those newsgroups than I remembered.  Some of it rather ,shall we say, of a graphic nature.  While they are newsgroups for posting graphics, they are not for the kinds of graphics that had the subject lines of the of the nature of: [i:5dced83290]See so and so naked[/i:5dced83290].

About a month and a half ago, I was in the supermarket  in the fruit and vegetable department.  The department next to the that one was the wine department.  I couple of guys speaking rather disrespectfully of a young lady who they saw.  One of them began with "Hey check out the rack on that ...".  I cut off that quote because they did not finish it with "girl", "chick" "bird", "babe", and sure did not say "woman" or "lady"; and I don't want to use that kind of language.  Then their comment became even more vulgar, much more vulgar.  I did not see either the young lady, or the two fellows.  I did see a wine display rack at the border of the two departments.  The wine rack looked very similar to one I had in the form of a 3D model.  As it turned out, In my mind that connected together their disresspectful comments, the the wine rack, and 3D art.  But for the time being, other than a irritation at their attitude reguarding young that was I assume had an attractive figure and from their comments to each other, I assume whe they were not aquainted with.

Some time after I returned home, I was looking through the newsgroups that I mentioned above.  In there I encountered some more spam of the nature that I mentioned above.  That reminded me of what I had heard earlier that day, which then all came together in my mind where I visiualised an image to render.

I was thinking of thinking of composing a picture of a wine rack full of bottles with only a hint of what was behind it visible.  I was then have Posette standing behind the rack, in the nude obscured by the rack and bottles and only her arms and head fully visible.  The expression was going to be a smile that looks like she is thinking "got ya!"  I was then going to post it to the Poser newsgroup with the subject line of, "Naked with a full rack, come see", or something like that.  The text of the article was going to say something like, "What you were expecting something different?  Well, this newsgroup is for art and not SPAM of the kind you expected this to be!".

Well that was the plan.  I had downloaded the bottle and flute from RDNA a few days before that visit to the supermarket.  The bottle fit, so I used it, or rather I used a multitude of them to fill in the rack.

As for the rack I was planning to use model of a wine rack that I had made years ago and I hoped had survived.  It was tall enough to cover a Posette based model standing behind it from the floor to just barely below her sholders.  But as it turned out, I must have lost that one a few years ago,  I found another one that I had forgotten about that I may have downloaded years ago from a BBS.

I tried that rack, but was not happy with the way it looked.  I built one, but I could not get it to export from  the modeling program and into either Poser, Studio, bryce, or any other software.  So, I went back to the old rack.  It was too short, from the floor it could only hide her legs, leaving the rest of the poor girl exposed to all gawkers.  

So then, I used a block primitive to serve as a crude stand. I placed Betty, a Posette character that I had been developing behind the rack and stand.  But the scene (what there was of it) looked too cold, so I started working on a backdrop texture.  After leaving the image alone for a day.  I kept imagining what else I could do with it.  When I went back to work on it, I just was not satisified with it, so started adding elements and tweaking the elements that were already in it.

The composition stated taking on a life of its own.  I kept finding things to tweak and hallow spaces that needed filling.  The rendering job was move from Poser to bryce  As I learned new methods I tried them in the picture, some worked others didn't.  As each method that worked were incorporated into the scene, that begged for the next change.

As for the title of the picture, it comes from a ombination of the feel of it along with the time setting on the clock.  The face of the clock being one of the few textures that I used with almost no alterations.

There are improvements that I still wanted to add to it, but finally I said, enough already.  I then called it complete, but I have a nagging impulse to really finish it.  I may revisit it in the future, but for now I am finished with it.
I have been asked to render a better view of Betty, I am thinking of rendering a portrait of her.  I think that I will do that soon, but for now I am involved in another project.

It feels good being back in this field again.


 pangor [ 07 Jan 2005 03:40 ]

The Joke that became "After the Evening"
So..Lets see this Betty then  :)

 Paul Mon [ 07 Jan 2005 10:25 ]
The picture is here Paul:

Thank you for sharing "what's behind a picture" with us pangor !

As for the inspiration, it comes to me in a lot of different ways: sometimes I'm simply playing with something in Poser and I have an idea... Or I'm at work thinking all but what I'm doing  :whistle: and I have another idea... I try not to copy someone else's ideas and the pictures that I made that I like the most are those ones that I consider my own original idea...

 Tormie [ 07 Jan 2005 12:15 ]
Interesting story! Nice to know how something comes to others for their artwork.

I have been a member (for lack of a better word) to the alt.binaries.3d Poser newsgroup for almost ten years now. I have seen spam come and go over the years and although there is some spam in the group, yesterday there was four new ones, there are quite allot more images from Poser people being posted. So I hope you don't think that newsgroup is a spammer's home. Eventually it where's off and goes away.

 Hawktoey [ 07 Jan 2005 14:08 ]
I go sometimes there (I've really not enough time for all the things that I would do...) to post and see pictures even if honestly I don't like too much unmoderated newsgroups because it take time (and is always useless) to upgrade my black list for spammers... But there are a lot of nice people there !

Last edited by Tormie on 07 Jan 2005 15:25; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 07 Jan 2005 15:24 ]
Paul Mon";p="17420 wrote: 
So..Lets see this Betty then  :)

Tormentor, has provided you with the URL of [i:e3c8075c1d]After the Evening[/i:e3c8075c1d].  I have also, just uploaded into [i:e3c8075c1d]Portrait of Betty[/i:e3c8075c1d] into the album.


 pangor [ 08 Jan 2005 07:38 ]
I am quite familiar with the usenet news groups and I agree that those two news group run quite smoothly.  Still on that day, was when I had encountered spam that had subject line that when combined with what happened that day at the supermarket, well it started me down thet path that lead to that picture.

Tormentor, Hawktoey, I have seen both of your names in those newsgroups.  At first, I had planned to post that picture in both newsgroups.  It was not the spam that changed my mind, it was the poor service from the newsserver provided by my ISP.  Retention in those newsgroups on that server is so bad, that I run my own server.  I pull the news a couple of times a day, via a cron job and have it added to my server.  My server has a much longer retention in the groups that I follow.  Then there is the problem of completion.  Although, their completion and retention is much better in text only newsgroups.  Also from what I have heard, their completion and retention is also better in other newsgroups that I am not interested in.  Oh well <2 day often <1 day retention in Poser and bryce while having months of retentions in some trash newsgroups.  I guess art is not high in their priorities.

The result of all this for my reading the groups, is that inspite of having my own private newsserver, I often only get to see only some of the articles in any given thread.  In fact there is one picture posted by Tormentor that I did not get to see, that based on the quoted text in the replies to that posting I am quite curious about.  Latter on, I may just look in the Album and try to locate the picture here and if any of the descriptions seem to match the quoted text.

The result of all the poor quality newsserver, for my not posting in the newsgroups is that I don't want it to seem that I ignore comments, expecially critical comments.  With the way that newsserver has been operating, it could make it seem that I had been doing just that, when in truth I had never seen the article.  So, for now at least, I don't feel comfortable posting there.


 pangor [ 08 Jan 2005 08:09 ]
About inpiration, I have a list that I keep of ideas that I have had.  When I go through my daily life I often see things or experience thing, the generate ideas.  Sometimes it is just from my imagination and I would be hard pressed to determine the source of it.  Sometimes when I see something ironic, I imagine it taken to the extreme then chukle at the mental image.  It is often those ideas I have been adding to the list.  I keep the list so that when I am between project or at a temporary deadend on a project, it can jog my memory of what I had imagined.

That is something that I had lost during the past few years and had only reciently returned.  The ability to picture a scene that way.

Now though another source of inspiration, is the works of the old masters of art from a couple of centries ago back to the beginning of history and beyond.  Sometimes, I look at one of the old paintings and nice, but what was in his mind when he did that?  How could he have done that!?!

For example, have you ever noticed the decapitated head in the paining [i:8b1adab53e]The Turkish Bath[/i:8b1adab53e]?  While she was not supposed to have been decapitated one.  The location of her head sticking over the sholders of the other two women infront of her location, and the proximity of the wall directly behind them does not leave room for her to have a body connected to her head.  I suppose she was painted in to fill space or something like that.

Then there are more sedate subjects that at first look nice, until you start picking them apart.  I often wonder, what if?  One such painting has inspired a rendering, as a salute to the artist's works and also "putting my money where my critic's mouth is".


 pangor [ 08 Jan 2005 08:32 ]
Thanks for sharing with us pangor. Nice to have you around  :)

 Ozymandias Jones [ 12 Jan 2005 05:49 ]
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