A stupid question , but...

A stupid question , but...
Post A stupid question , but... 
I know you may find it probably naive or stupid, but I really need to know something. Do these usually depressing/hopeless/gory/scary/involving an topic which is a taboo pictures I post here make you feel bad. If it's so there's no need to remain silent and say that they are great...
And I really want to apologise once again to tda42 because of that hanging thing.. :roll: This IS serious , even if we don't like to talk about it it still we'll be serious. I know is it because I felt it , I've lived with it. And I know it hurts others even more that it hurts me (if it hurts me at all...).
I'm sorry... :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

 erenda [ 18 Dec 2005 21:02 ]

A stupid question , but...
Erenda, you can't say that your picture make the people feel good, it's a kind of art and your personal style. I don't think you make those pictures in order to let the people feel good. However they are very good pictures.
Art is not only fun.

 Tormie [ 18 Dec 2005 21:40 ]
Erenda, your pictures are good and i think they should stay up. The topic in your - and everyone else's pictures might not always be a pleasant happy one. Life isn't always wonderful and happy, but it's through art that you - and we expresses ourselves and that is valueble.

Anyone viewing any image, will feel something. Sometimes they will feel what you intended, other times not. That isn't something that the creator of the image or the viewer can control.

For me your latest images holds up a mirror to an unhappy life, they make me sad because i feel sorry for the person in the picture....and maybe the artist? That doesn't mean that i don't think they're not good. I think you should keep maing your images, unhappy, dark, happy  or light. It's you.

You are a very talented girl with both your images and words, sadly i don't think you know how talented you are at touching people with your art. I don't think the people around you in the real world world do either.

 TdaC [ 18 Dec 2005 23:05 ]
I must agree with the others, Erenda.  Artists or writers draws inspiration from the things that touch their lives and it is the things we experience that make us who we are.  

Throught history many good and bad things have happened to people.  If we only looked at the good and ignored the bad then what would challenge us to grow as individuals?  

I have seen much worse that was meant to shock people and not meant to be art.  Here and now we are talking about art.  An artistic image should give pause for reflection whether the mood is happy or sad.  Your pictures do that very well and some remind me that not all is as it should be in the world today.

Please continue.

 melamkish [ 18 Dec 2005 23:33 ]
Art is an expression by the human soul of what touches us deep inside, art is an expression of what it is that makes us human.

Much of the art that we see in various on-line galleries and in the world at large is shallow and meaningless, that fees empty.  Perhaps that is because their creators are not yet skilled enough, lack talent, fear to expose their feelings, or perhaps those people are shallow.

Some artists express their ideals of beauty, others of heroism, others their yearnings, others their fears, and so forth.  Some express combinations of each of these.

Erenda, as for your art, you have great talent.  Most of your art shows elements of beauty and expressions of your fears along with your yearnings for a better world.  Are the themes of your works disturbing at times, yes.  But with them you help us to reflect on other aspects of what is a part in the human soual, than those we noramlly would consider.

As for me, when I feel that I am getting to much into onw style, I will try a different style of art so that I can grow beyond what I have been doing up to that time.  Based on your question here, perhaps it sound like it may be time for you to grow into the next phase of your artworks.  Time that you try a new style.  Not to replace wat you are doing now; but rather to stretch your vision into other realms of posibilities.

Here is an idea that would be easy for you to try.  Create a compelte work of a beautiful character (see nothing new for you so far) let the character be happy and include no dark overtones.

Or this idea, a Christmas image for the Christmas Exhibition.

Then return to your current style, then try something else again then go where your inspiration takes you.


 pangor [ 18 Dec 2005 23:40 ]
I think that every work that all of us post here take with it a piece of our soul, specially your works Erenda. I dont feel bad for your work, but this last ones made me feel for you, with your work you express yourself, but let and espect the others express theirselves because of your work, please go on posting them if they help you to exorcise those feelings  :uuh: , and I'll be happy for you when you post something diferent, happier, because I'll be shure it comes from your feelings.
Be happy!  :wink: (is a wish)

 rayera [ 18 Dec 2005 23:51 ]
TdaC";p="27453 wrote: 
Erenda, your pictures are good and i think they should stay up. The topic in your - and everyone else's pictures might not always be a pleasant happy one. Life isn't always wonderful and happy, but it's through art that you - and we expresses ourselves and that is valueble.

Anyone viewing any image, will feel something. Sometimes they will feel what you intended, other times not. That isn't something that the creator of the image or the viewer can control.

For me your latest images holds up a mirror to an unhappy life, they make me sad because i feel sorry for the person in the picture....and maybe the artist? That doesn't mean that i don't think they're not good. I think you should keep maing your images, unhappy, dark, happy  or light. It's you.

You are a very talented girl with both your images and words, sadly i don't think you know how talented you are at touching people with your art. I don't think the people around you in the real world world do either.

Thilda said it all...

Just one thing from me.
Don´t care too much about other people´s opinions.
Just sit back, close your eyes, relax, and listen to your heart...
It´ll lead you the right way, trust me :wink:

Last edited by ahjah on 19 Dec 2005 23:50; edited 1 time in total 
 ahjah [ 19 Dec 2005 09:48 ]
Post Re: A stupid question , but... 
erenda";p="27448 wrote: 

And I really want to apologise once again to tda42 because of that hanging thing.. :roll: This IS serious , even if we don't like to talk about it it still we'll be serious. I know is it because I felt it , I've lived with it. And I know it hurts others even more that it hurts me (if it hurts me at all...).
I'm sorry... :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

 :patpat:  :friends:  :hug2:  My dearist erenda. You don't have to apoligise. I understand what you are going threw in life. You have youre views and that is what makes you as a whole. If I didn't hear people say it like it is then it would be all lies and there wouldn't be any of the person to get to know. Your pictures tell of an experience, ones feelings. A persons thoughts. Your pictures holds power to the mind. It gets people to think. Life is not pretty all the time. You show something some people won't even talk about. The taking of a life. Even a suggestion is really a reality. I don't think there is a one at one time or another had it in their mind just even for a moment. Thats life. Your art. Well another story all together. You have to be you. I don't care what people think about my work. I like to hear a comment every now and then but I know who I am. It is an extention of my personality. Its a way to express. To show my feelings of who I am. As you erenda. Remember erenda. I have said it all the way threw the forums before. I'll say it again. "There is no wrong or right,it's just art." Keep it up erenda and believe in who are. You are Yourself. :wink:

 tda42 [ 19 Dec 2005 10:46 ]
Post Re: A stupid question , but... 
tda42";p="27472 wrote: 
erenda";p="27448 wrote: 

And I really want to apologise once again to tda42 because of that hanging thing.. :roll: This IS serious , even if we don't like to talk about it it still we'll be serious. I know is it because I felt it , I've lived with it. And I know it hurts others even more that it hurts me (if it hurts me at all...).
I'm sorry... :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

 :patpat:  :friends:  :hug2:  My dearist erenda. You don't have to apoligise. I understand what you are going threw in life. You have youre views and that is what makes you as a whole. If I didn't hear people say it like it is then it would be all lies and there wouldn't be any of the person to get to know. Your pictures tell of an experience, ones feelings. A persons thoughts. Your pictures holds power to the mind. It gets people to think. Life is not pretty all the time. You show something some people won't even talk about. The taking of a life. Even a suggestion is really a reality. I don't think there is a one at one time or another had it in their mind just even for a moment. Thats life. Your art. Well another story all together. You have to be you. I don't care what people think about my work. I like to hear a comment every now and then but I know who I am. It is an extention of my personality. Its a way to express. To show my feelings of who I am. As you erenda. Remember erenda. I have said it all the way threw the forums before. I'll say it again. "There is no wrong or right,it's just art." Keep it up erenda and believe in who are. You are Yourself. :wink:

Well... Erenda Kenny knows how say good things!  :friends:

 JanReinar [ 19 Dec 2005 12:13 ]
What makes you think that I won't have to apoligise. I can certainly understand that. That is a lot. Oh, not pretty is  LIFE . I am the most advanced artificial intelligence yet developed. Don't worry I will remember.  Is that so.

 Posy [ 19 Dec 2005 12:13 ]
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