Tormie's persistency... And a challenge...

Tormie's persistency... And a challenge...
Post Tormie's persistency... And a challenge... 
Well, on my little laptop (  :heartbeat: ) I've installed Firefox with some useful plugins, one of them checks emails on a webmail service (an address that I use to register on sites) and I was puzzled by the various webmail services that you could monitor. One of them was this "Naver" mail service, never heard about it  :mmmh: ... So I googled it and found that it is a Korean site.

It took a long while  :bad-words: but I succeeded in having a working email address there  :dance:  :cool:

So the challenge is: try to do the same, address is

Obvioulsy it's all in Korean, and yes, it will ask you for a Korean ID that is something like the unique social security number of the USA... But there is an opion for foreign people (find it), in this case, they will send you a control code on your cell phone (find the option...) then there is only a copule of checkpoints and you-re done...

This is one of the stupid things on which I use to spend my time :roll: ...

 Tormie [ 18 Jan 2009 03:08 ]

Tormie's persistency... And a challenge...
Post Re: Tormie's Persistency... And A Challenge... 
I don't give out my cell phone number to such sites!!! Facebook or was it Twitter   :mmmh: is asking the same - no way!!!

Last edited by posfan on 12 Oct 2009 22:06; edited 1 time in total 
 posfan [ 12 Oct 2009 22:06 ]
Post Re: Tormie's persistency... And a challenge... 
Don't worry posfan, it's a kind of joke, Naver is a weel known and free service like yahoo or hotmail, the difference is that is all in Korean language, so the challenge was: try to register there, if you can :D ...

I've a spare cell number for those services, I use it also when I sell something on the internet, the cell card expires after one year and I buy another one :)

 Tormie [ 12 Oct 2009 23:01 ]
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