Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently

Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently
Post Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
A couple of months or so back I was browsing one of our local electronics stores, and after engaging in a little polite conversation with all the floor staff and the manager -- it's amazing how much attentive service you get in a store if you've spent an ungodly amount of cash there in the past -- I come across their latest toy...

A Samsung 55" LED 3D TV and 3D Blu-Ray player package.

Now, over the last 18 months I've spent said ungodly amount of cash on many things, including a whole raft of TV's of various sizes from a dinky little 22" LCD TV currently being used as a spare monitor to my beloved 58" home theatre behemoth plasma.  At last count - and I literally had to go round the house and double check because I forgot one of them last time - I have one plasma and 4 LCD screens.  All but one are full HD and all but the plasma are Samsung.  I need another TV like I need a spare navel.  And as for Blu-Ray players; heck if you include all the PS3s I have, there are five Blu-Ray players in the house - two of them burners for crying out loud!  In fact, I have more Blu-Ray players than Blu-ray discs...!

On top of all that, I've played with various 3D TV solutions in past and have always - ALWAYS - come out of the experience deeply unimpressed.  Blurred images, minimal added depth, stupid heavy glasses and irritating screen flicker - or worse, those horrid red/blue analglyphic glasses.

So when the salesdroid asked me if I want to see their 3D TV in action, I just laughed and continued browsing.  But as I was about to leave, I changed my mind and ask for a quick demo... and it took all of about 10 seconds of footage from 'Monsters vs Aliens' to totally change my perspective (hah!) about the future of 3D TV.  It's already here, it works, and if done right it is absolutely STUNNING.

There are a couple of drawbacks at the moment.  There are very few Blu-Ray 3D releases at present, and most of the early ones are promotion-linked to various hardware manufacturers for a specified time.  However, the rate of 3D releases is increasing, especially closer to the holiday season.  Even better, the Samsung 3D TVs have a surprisingly effective 2D to 3D conversion trick up their sleeve that works on the fly with normal DVD or HD TV content.

Also, extra active 3D glasses are an added expense, particularly if you have a large family.  (They are quite comfortable, and fit over prescription glasses without any issues though)

Finally, there are some hurdles to overcome if you want to display your own 3D images or movies - though most of these hurdles are about to fall, thanks to nVidia (see below).


Even before the front title credits had made their appearance it was blindingly obvious that someone who creates stuff in 3D as a hobby could really, really use this technology to see and share their work in the most impressive way possible.  Naturally, the TV and player package was in my evil little hands by the end of the demo.


I've been playing some PS3 games in 3D, and it really does add to the enjoyment of throwing a mime through some plate glass windows while playing 'Pain'!

I've been deep in research mode, studying everything I can get my hands on about stereoscopy in general and 3D movie making in particular.

I've been scouring the net for stereoscopic images and movies.  Not as easy to find as I would like... (unwanted porn being the unfortunate exception.)

I've also been looking hard at getting a 3D camera.  The latest Fujifilm one definitely on my short list.

And most importantly, I've been waiting for nVidia to release their 3DTV Play software - which will let me hook any PC I have with an nVidia GPU up to my 3D TV and use it fully.

This could be fun...

 GrouchoCaesar [ 26 Sep 2010 23:51 ]

Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently
Post Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
:tv: :tv2: :tv:  :shocked!: :D  :hug2:

 Tormie [ 27 Sep 2010 08:01 ]
Post Re: Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
:) -Like You Grocho...

I've walked through a Store — and noticed the new 3-D TV sets...

It ocured to me—

This could be as important as was HDTV.

My 52" HDTV— is now about 8 years old...

My Daughter has a 42" plazma...
but she's hinted
She's like to move that  -to her bedroom
and have  something  'BIGGER'  -in her living room...

but my TV is staying -WHERE IT IS..
until she Graduates from College—
and GETS A JOB....

I'm praying that next summer—
I will have the heavy weight—
of supporting her lifestyle, and paying
her TUITION... relieved ...and I'll be ABLE
to Breathe -for the first time in many years....

I'm really happy  -that Grocho has all these new Toys....

But leahman is NEVER the guy 'to jump in—
when technology -is new...

Hey, I bought a BATA Video Tape player—
and we all know how that turned out.

WHEN the first HDTV arrived— I knew
 it was going to take some time, to get this mess
-sorted out....

There were 720 i set, then 720p sets...

then 1080i and 1080p...

I even remember seeing one  -that was over 3000i
but things settled down—
because they had to match up with what Hollywood movies
and theaters, had.

A DVD is the equalivant for a 1080i HDTV,
and you don't need—
a 1080P set, unless you're going to go with Blue Ray...

Personally— I'm an OLD DUDE, and my eyes are not
that great anymore...

NOW, I could tell -a BIG difference—
between my old 32' CRT S TV set
and a DVD on a BIG 1080i HDTV set—
with a good Home Theater Sound System...

It was BIGGER— it was CLEARER
and it sounded -a LOT better.

I really can't tell any difference—
between a DVD and a Blue Ray...

It COSTS a lot—
but there's  a TINY difference  'to me—

But the new  3D sets,
obvioulsy— there's a big difference.

But I'll WAIT— until the whole thing
settles out a bit...

I don't have   -endless Cash
and whatever I get— has got to last me for a while...

IT wasn't very long ago—
we had 27" concole TV sets

-and only   -3 ...Blurry channels.. to watch...

When I was born— there WAS  -no TV.
But I remember     Houdy~Dooty— like it was yesterday.

Most of my familyworked in Television.

Most of these new sets— I am seeing, ALSO
do internet...

Obviously— in the future   (if there is a future)

TV and the Internet -must MERGE together....

I never thought   -that Celluar Phones
would be such a hit...

I dispise telephones.... they are an invention
to interupt and annoy -a person to death.....

I hope... that these new TV/internet combinations...
will be  sucessful enough—

that I see the  arrogant Movie Theaters—
CLOSE UP -and go Out of Business
with their   ...$8 movie tickets
$9 popcorn, and NO-SMOKING Signs...

THEY have  -more commercials   -than
TV  -back in the 60s....

I like ...to be Able— to take my shoes off
put on  -a FLICK...
Pour  -a little Coke ...and Crown Royal...
then  light a Smoke... to watch a movie...

I don't LIKE — paying over $40
for my Wife and I  -to go to the crappy Theater
and Be TOLD
what I can do...

and  have  -screaming BRATS...
ruining -the Movie...

_Anything to SNIP   -those Strings
of the Control freaks...

Technology— is bringing a better movie experience—
to our Homes—
then we ever got -in a Theater...

how I see it...

Your Friend

 leahman [ 27 Sep 2010 16:42 ]
Post Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
:D Life's so much easier without  any money to spend, it seems. I'd really like to have your problems :roll: ;) :hug2:

 ahjah [ 27 Sep 2010 17:02 ]
Post Re: Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
:) -Life Decisions

There are pathways -in our lives, some of which are HANDED -to us,
some are TAKEN -from us, and others— are made  -by us.

I was born, and for the first 13 years of my life—
Things were going (I thought)
just as I wanted, and expected.

Until my parents got divorced... fast foreward -for one year
and there lies my father, murdered in his grave,
my step-mother who poisioned him—
also embesseled his estate, took every penny...

and there are my sister and I—
with our small suitcases, being passed among our relatives...

without hope— or a future... little orphans.

So what- was handed to us, was taken from us....

unlike my sister, I choose to take the experiences
of life. I could have joined the Air Force, or  Navy
but I choose to Join the Army. After that, I could have
chosen to only take a job, but I choose -to take a job
and send myself to college.

What I SHOULD have inhearited— was taken...
EXCEPT (and this is important)

 for some property, which  -Could Not—
becuase  -it  was left...
'PER STRIPES"— which  means it can not be gained
by a marriage, but ONLY through inhearience
to a BLOOD -offspring.

My sister— did not want, or the taxes owed....

Also didn't choose to go to College.

Her useless SON— who dropped from school
the day he was 16, he also choose-NOT to
go to College, and even when I choose to send
my daughter to College, he  stands on his head
shouting -' yes send her so she can -learn to stay
DRUNK, and will come home pregnant.... College
is for idiots...."

But he is wrong.  He laughs that he will Not send his
Sons— and I know he won't— but it is because -he
is SELFISH.  My Sister buys those boys clothes— while
my useless nephew -vacations in Bahamas, and goes
from one divorce— to the next...

He's no education— but has a good job, through
where his FATHER -works... yet I  am knowing
that the day after his Father retires— they will
send nephew PACKING -to the unemployment
line. After that, since I know HE is a LIAR, and a THEIF
only bad can come.

Each of us— makes our road  -by our choices.

Some choose an easy road, and choose -NOT to help
others along the way....

My Wife and I  -are known...
for taking on—
cases -of kids in Trouble—

Paying their fines— to get Out of Jail
then to provide a job, and apartment
so a kid =GETS a second Chance....

ALL These -too, are choices—

Life— is a Voyage...

you paddle your way through it
and each choice you make
is a stoke towards  -rowing the boat....

You should help— and not JUST your family
but strangers -also !

When -others  -DO YOU HARM, you must forgive.

Choices —define
-who you are.


Choices— Show— what you are made of.

 :koo: Things things— should be obvious.
But I think— FEW -had a father, who taught—
 these simple things...  :redface:

   :whistle:  :sorry:    :redface:

When a man is unhappy -with his life...
it is -the reflection—
of the choices he's made..

—So make ...Good Ones !

YOU KNOW— what is required
to improve your life.

—Do it !

 leahman [ 29 Oct 2010 14:49 ]
Post Re: Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
I don't know Robert, it looks to me that life is ruled more by the law of chaos than "do the right thing and you'll be rewarded", I know a lot of people that did everything by the book and got nothing in reward :sad: . That doesn't mean that one has not to fight for their future but sometimes it's not enough because a reward is not automatic, or I don't believe it is.

 Tormie [ 29 Oct 2010 19:43 ]
Post Re: Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 

Firstly - and most importantly if we are discussing personal philosophies here - my philosophy is really, REALLY simple:

YOU are responsible for your own actions.  Not your parents, not your teachers, not your significant others, or siblings, or whoever.  You.  And how you react to the good things in your life is just as important as how you react to the bad.

I've been rock bottom - homeless and stranded on the streets of a strange city in a strange country.  It never worried me unduly and it worked out eventually.  A few years later I had the chance to help someone who was in the same position that I had been in. I took her in off the streets and gave her advice, dignity, and some respect.  I started calling her Li'l Sis, and seven years later she is still with me. Even my mom and dad have come to think of her as my sister - which is a neat trick...

I've been blessed with great parents.  I've been lucky most of my life, and I know it and appreciate it.

Secondly, I'm not that far away from being back to where I was financially beforehand, although now at least I own a house and some furniture - neither things I had two years ago.

Years ago when dreaming what I would do if I ever came into unexpected money I promised myself I would set up a kick-ass CGI/video production outfit, buy a really good home theatre system, and build a world-class video library.  Oh, and adopt a bunch of cats.

Sometimes, dreams do turn to reality.

I gave myself two years to get all that done.  Most of that time was spent tracking down titles for my library, and doing the necessary renovations to set my home up how I want it to be for the rest of my life (I've been planning *very* long-term). Despite losing 3 months to injury I still managed to finish it, today: four days ahead of schedule - 12th December 2008 was when I took over the title to my house.

Thirdly - Over a fifth of my money has been given to friends and family.  If you don't spread it around, what's the point in having it?

Now pardon me if I enjoy my good luck.  Because luck is all it is.

 GrouchoCaesar [ 08 Dec 2010 11:03 ]
Post Re: Why I've Been Unusually Quiet Recently 
First of all I removed my topics post because I think it might have been
seen the wrong way. So I will say this. If fortune has come to a person
in life I say great. If being a simple person is what people want to be then
I see nothing wrong with it. I am a humble person and take only what life wants
me to have. To share with others and to try and understand others in their lifes
travels. I feel for people that can't get what they want in life because in some way
we are all equal. I can only wish and if wishing helps when prayers won't then
sometimes a wish is all we have to share. You are all my friends out here. Even though we have not seen each other face to face in life I know there is a thinking,living and breathing human being on the other side of the keyboard. We are not perfect. But it is what we learn
in life that makes us a better person. To walk in life's footsteps plus to be as compassionate
and close to human as we can get. :hug2:

Last edited by tda42 on 09 Dec 2010 19:16; edited 1 time in total 
 tda42 [ 09 Dec 2010 19:13 ]
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