
Post PosetteWorld 
I am making what might be an original. This is the land where all of us go to be together. It is called Posetteworld. It is a portal of make believe and to get out of the every day live. Then we have the Posette Portal that takes us to the web site we are on now. (Make believe though.) :uuh: This is for the people here tha have been here for the longest of time. We have become family. So each place means something special. Every place is a bit of us. This will soon be finished. But I wanted to show you what it is. :ninja: This is a big PZ3 so you at least have to have a duo Core to run it or a mac with at least 4 gigs of memory. I am sorry about the memory hog but this is the way it has to be. It is complex and can't be put together in bits.  :dash: How ever you can use the models.   :D  I have a couple more to build as far as models go and I am waiting on some one to let me know what she wants in the model.  :whistle: I hope you like.  :thumb:








As for others that have not been here. This is not to say that you are not welcome. You are a part of the growing family as well and in time the place will start to grow and add on. :cool:  So I hope this will be different and to me no one has personality and fun like we do along with guest here at PF. :hug2:

Last edited by tda42 on 01 Jul 2011 22:30; edited 2 times in total 
 tda42 [ 30 Jun 2011 18:40 ]

Post Re: PosetteWorld 
Thank you Kenny my friend  :hug2:  :hug2:  :hug2:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :friends: !!

It's a big project and a great gift :crybaby: (I'm touched...) It's wonderful  :shocked!: !!

I want it  !!! :stomp: :pssd: :D

 Tormie [ 30 Jun 2011 20:14 ]
Post Re: PosetteWorld 
It's like a whole little world. It must have taken some genius to come up with it.

Great work Kenny.

 Chromium [ 30 Jun 2011 21:54 ]
Post Re: PosetteWorld 
:hugs: This looks terrific !
Unfortunally, I'm FAR from the system requirements :shocked!:
Maybe, I could get MY plant loaded, at least :mmmh:
All in all, looks like a weird world, could it be this is cos we're a little(!!) weird, too??? (... just a hypothetic thought... ;) )
 :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :friends:

 ahjah [ 30 Jun 2011 22:31 ]
Post Re: PosetteWorld 
UpDate: Be advised that the set will load up. I  have a P4 380 with 2 gigs of memory but the problem is to get it to render. :mmmh: Maybe the Bucket size is to large.  :redface: That is why the high PC rating. I'm playing it safe. :uuh:  But if it doesn't work then no worries I will give the Models to the the people they where meant for.   Also for the asking as well. :thumb:  So "It's all good!"  :wink:

 tda42 [ 01 Jul 2011 14:47 ]
Post Re: PosetteWorld 
I have just finished the model for Rene. Here is what it looks like. Guilty Pleasures Clubhouse.  It has not been material zoned yet. A lot to do on this one. It has real rooms , real fireplace and stair well as well as an attic. All she has to do is move in.  :thumb:      


Last edited by tda42 on 01 Jul 2011 22:27; edited 2 times in total 
 tda42 [ 01 Jul 2011 22:21 ]
Post Re: PosetteWorld 
Amazing project Kenny!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

 JanReinar [ 04 Jul 2011 17:10 ]
Post Re: PosetteWorld 
:heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

 Posy [ 05 Jul 2011 11:58 ]
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