Ahjah band's song added to our little audio library !

Ahjah band's song added to our little audio library !
Post Ahjah band's song added to our little audio library ! 
You can taste the samples of  Ahjah's band songs (United Generation) in the Audio Library (I finally found how to add them  :whistle: ) !  :bigrinnin:

 Tormie [ 29 Feb 2004 10:47 ]

Ahjah band's song added to our little audio library !
hey, the first positive FX of cancelling Wolfenstein...

 ahjah [ 01 Mar 2004 10:53 ]
[-(  [-(  :whistle:  :whistle:

 Tormie [ 01 Mar 2004 11:59 ]
Great  job on the mix.Smooth and warm.Ziggy Marley all the way.I was with a group on the east side
of the states.We played many gigs there.Then was with a fuzion jazz band called Midnight and later I was with one called Next Exit.I was the utilities man.I played 4,8,5,and 6 string basses, keyboards and
drums.I retired of that after there was not any bands looking for me as to me looking for them.I still have a studio on which I do demos and write my own stuff.It is good I mean really good to see a musician making good on what he believes in again.Great work,and if you come to America my friend
I will have to look you up if you are playing close to the Nashville hub.Be cool and Play cool! :bigrinnin:

 tda42 [ 01 Mar 2004 15:21 ]
:oops:  :oops:  :oops:

I see, you understand, what it is all about

the ability to express your feelings and touch people´s hearts by making music is a gift
.. if you can do it, you must do it, and if its for real, you´ll never stop

 ahjah [ 02 Mar 2004 04:20 ]
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