Strange dream

Strange dream
Post Strange dream 
Ok , if you know some good sites with offer information how to interpret dreams , you may tell me. Oh and another thing , after having such a crazy dream last night I think that there is definitely something wrong with the home-made wine or someone decided to made a joke and put something in it. However here's the dream. I dreamed I was in the old appartement we were living when I was a child and were watching Tv. Nothing unrepresentative but the interesting part is that my funeral (yes mine , but in the dream I knew I'm alive) was on the Tv.   I mean this IS crazy how can one watch his/her own funeral on the Tv  when s/he is still alive. I even didn't recognize the people who were on the funeral ( but somehow in the dream I knew it's mine although I didn't see the whole body , exspecially the face) and they commented it neutraly , definitely not in a sad manner , there were even some guys smiling. At the end there was some happy music , lot of children ( ???) and all these people took the body out of the coffin wraped it in some bluesky colour material and putted it on the floor ( it was in some building , however it wasn't a church) where they were other "packages" wrapped with the same material , some of them wrapped in red material ( the red ones were very small. children? ). However these folks were very happy about it and I even staied with the impression they are hippies. I repeat this was just a dream , and no I'm not insane , and it's not only me who say that , I'm officially normal.
Some idea what all this may mean , if it means something at all?

 erenda [ 06 Jan 2006 22:48 ]

Strange dream
Well, I think everybody have strange dreams from time to time that rock us, once I heard a professional say that the dreams are the weird and absolutely abstract way that our mind use to set as free of some emtions or enhance others, thats why he was convinced that not all the dream really mean what we see in them and most of the times the important is the feelings we feel in them.

 rayera [ 06 Jan 2006 23:07 ]
All of them?

 Posy [ 06 Jan 2006 23:07 ]
I don't know Possy, I just repeat what this doctor sayed, and interested me.  

 rayera [ 06 Jan 2006 23:09 ]

Well, I think everybody have strange dreams from time to time that rock us, once I heard a professional say that the dreams are the weird and absolutely abstract way that our mind use to set as free of some emtions or enhance others, thats why he was convinced that not all the dream really mean what we see in them and most of the times the important is the feelings we feel in them.

Have heard almost the same but there are some exception. My mom had a strange dream many years ago when she saw my grandfather on his bicycle and saw him sliped on some ice , after some time there was really a catastrophe with my grandfather while riding a bycycle . (And my mom is not even a medium or something.)

 erenda [ 06 Jan 2006 23:40 ]
That's powerful, isn't it? when one have such an experience it's hard to forget. I had a similar experience (not related to dreams but of the kind that one don't believe until it happend) Tormentor comented he saw White Noice and I promised someday to tell this experience related to psicophonies that I don't tell ofthen for the fear to be cosidered crazy. I don't know where you could search for help about this but considering it wouldn't hurt, but don't get obssesed  

 rayera [ 07 Jan 2006 00:10 ]
Well , I don't know what even psicophony is but...there are other strange things that had happened to me. Not sure but maybe it's auto-suggestion. About the dream ..well I think I know what it wants to tell in general but the details seems to me important too. However I didn't feel any strong emotion during the dream , just watched the Tv that's all. Ok , I get a little dissapointed about that mass funeral thing. I guess that's my ego which wanted a mausoleum

 erenda [ 07 Jan 2006 05:04 ]
I had a dream dictionary when i was a teenager, let see if i remember where it is... Hey! I found it;)
I think dreaming of home (Like in your dream) means something about basic needs. Dreaming about a building means you're dreaming about yourself, the different rooms represents different sides of you.
Dreaming of childhood home could mean your own desires for building a family or it reflects sides of yourself that were prominent or developed when you you lived in that home.

To dream about your own FUNERAL, could be about an ending to a situation or part of yourself. You may be repressing some of your feelings or parts of yourself and the dream may be a signal for you to recognize and acknowledge those feelings. Instead of confronting a situation, you are dealing with it by burying it and trying to forget about it.
To see a BURIAL in your dream, signifies that you have gotten rid of your bad habits or freed yourself from a negative situation. You are finally letting go of something.

COLORS in dreams represent energy, emotions, and vibes. First consider what that single color in your dream means to you and your own personal associations and relationship with that color.
BLUE represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.
RED is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations.

Seeing PEOPLE you know in your dream, signifies qualities and feelings of those people that you desire for yourself.
To see people you don't know in your dream, denotes hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront.
To see people from your past in your dream, refers to your shadow and other unacknowledged aspects of yourself. It can represent a waking situation that is bringing out similar feelings as your past relationships.

To dream that you are HAPPY, may be a compensatory dream and is often a dream of the contrary. You may be trying to compensate for the sadness or stress in your waking life. My dictionary didn't say anything about other people being happy.

 TdaC [ 07 Jan 2006 11:42 ]
Does it mean anything else? What is vibrating and what is causing it to vibrate? Sounds beautiful.

 Posy [ 07 Jan 2006 11:42 ]
Thanks TdaC , you helped me a lot.       

 erenda [ 07 Jan 2006 17:30 ]
As a child I did some reading about dreams from my memories of that reading, this is from the feeling that I got from your dream.  I will focus on a few of the elements.  Adult sized figures in blue, Child sized figures in blue.  A funeral without a final disposition of the body.  Happy hippies.

Sky Blue = calm in control, cool, constructive, happy.
Red = Strong emotions, anger, destructive.
funeral, death = sepperation, a nexus.
Hippies = anti authority = independance, rebelious, self determination.

You have come to a nexus in your life.  It is time to set aside your childhood nature and accept your adult nature.  In your childhood anger and strong emotions controlled your life and personality.  Deep down inside of you, you feel that you have reached a major nexus in your life.  For your adult life should be controlled by calm and be a creator, it is an expression of your artistic nature.  But don't abandon your childhood nature harness it under the guidance of your adult nature.  Your independant nature will save you from oblivion and is your way to happiness.


Precognitive dreams is of a different type.  Many years ago, I had a dream of an airplane crashing.  I was on our back porch, heard a lound noise looked up and saw a small single engine airplane coming down our of control it was very close.  I read the numbers on the plane, was able to read only about half the numbers before the plane disappeared behind the next building over.  I said, that is not right, those are not the numbers for such a small plane.  Then there was the sound of the crash and I woke up.  It was time to get up and go to school.

While getting ready to go to work I was listening to the morning news on television, I heard that a large passenger airplane had crashed while landing, on the other side of the country.  I looked at the screen and saw the picture of the plane in flames.  The flames and smoke covered about half of the numbers on the side of the airplane.  The part that was still visible was the same numbers that I read in my dream.

(Some people claim that we can not read or write in our dreams.  Quite often I can do both in my dreams).


psicophony is another term for what is also called EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena).  It is claimed that ghosts and spirit voices can be captured on electronic recordings.  A tape recorder using clean unused tape left in record mode in a haunted place is said to be able to record thing said by those haunting that place.

 pangor [ 07 Jan 2006 19:57 ]
Id that what my subconsciousness is trying to say? Well maybe this subconsciousness has also to tell me how to do this things instead of demanding...since it's so to present such a synbolism...      Thanks for the information Pangor and Tdac   

 Your independant nature will save you from oblivion and is your way to happiness.

It may sound insulting but from where exactly do you get such information about the future? I really don't try to offend you but if my independent nature could do such things , why it haven't already did it?


 You may be trying to compensate for the sadness or stress in your waking life

You have no idea how right you are....

 erenda [ 08 Jan 2006 11:01 ]
Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

 Posy [ 08 Jan 2006 11:01 ]
I think it's power , Posy.

 erenda [ 08 Jan 2006 11:02 ]
Are you a man or a woman?

 Posy [ 08 Jan 2006 11:02 ]
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