Does anybody here speak french?

Does anybody here speak french?
Hey, is erenda, a what looks like and old type brand good'ole teenager...

Wonder if I wrote those "ready words to say"      

("It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go..." Tormie is whistling...)

Last edited by Tormie on 06 Jan 2005 21:41; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 06 Jan 2005 21:40 ]

Does anybody here speak french?
Congratulations! Now you're a half bulgarians!       You know how to pronounce the most important word in bulgarian language (rakia       ). When you went in Bulgaria just find some table and say: "R-a-k-i-a!!!! Free R-a-k-i-a!!!! and you'll find minimum 20 new fiends and another 10 musicians , including an exotic dancer. This word can break the language barrier. Only 500 gr rakia can do this miracle! And after you drink it you will be able to pronounce the second very important word in bulgarian. (nobody can pronounce it if he hasn't drunk rakia ) It's the longest bulgarian word! It's "Neprotivoconstitutsiotsiovatelstsvuvaite!!!" It means " Don't break constitution's laws!" But whatever you do don't call your new frends "ganiovtsi"    !   I need an half hour to explain what it means       .Well you must read "Bai Ganio" ("Oncle Ganio"   )at first and then I'll explain you what "bai" means. If someone call you "bai" don't tell him : " Yes, good bye! See you tomorrow morning!"

 erenda [ 06 Jan 2005 23:00 ]

Rakia Rakia !!!

>BURP!<       ...

Thank you for sharing a bit of your country with us erenda   !

 Tormie [ 06 Jan 2005 23:10 ]
Now that you have mentioned the Cyrillic alphabet, have you ever thought how ironic it was for the Soviet Union to use that alphabet?  Here they were an officially atheist state, yet they were using the alphabet created by a saint for the purpose of spreading Christanity though out the domains of the Eastern Roman Empire and beyond.


 pangor [ 11 Jan 2005 09:14 ]
Tormentor, the disjunction between spelling and pronounciation of the English language is perfectly understandable from in the view of its history.  Even as it is fustrating from a logical perspective.  Britian as a whole and England in particular has been the site of many migrations and invasions.  Each of these wave of people brought with them their own languages.  Most of the time these people became the lords of the land, with the prior peoples as the common folks.  It was the common folks who were the servants and it was the servants who often had more contact with the childern of the lords than the lords did.  So the youngsters learned the speech of the common folks of their time.  They were not as fluent in the languages  of their blood lines and their parents had been, however, they did speak both languages.  In time words from the invaders language found their way into the vocabulary of the common folks.  By that process the language that we now know of as english has gathered sounds from many other languages.
Consider the words, pig, pork, and hog.  Each word came from a different invasion.

But what about the spelling?  Until a few centuries ago, English was considered to be a vulgar language; while the language of the "invaders" was considered to be refined.  Latin being the language of the Church and the Roman Empire, was considered the most refined.  Therefore most writing was done in those languages rather than in English.
Then when written English was becoming a common thing, the English crown at the time assigned a task to create the  offical speller/dictionary of the language.  Up to that time there was no such thing as missssspelling a word written in English, because there was not right way to spell the words in that language.  The person assigned that task, did a poor job of it.

What he did was to perform a study of the language that could be summed up this way:  Gather all of the  document written in english that you can find.  Make a word list from those documents.  When you find two spellings for the same word, keep the first spelling and ignore the other.  When finished call your word list the official speller of the language.

Here is the unix command line interpretaion of that project:

cat `find /usr/docs -type f` | split | sort | uniq >speller


 pangor [ 11 Jan 2005 09:46 ]

( Tormie think that Italy has nothing to learn about being invaded but the spelling is easy   )

 Tormie [ 11 Jan 2005 12:35 ]
Italy had been invaded and reinvaded many time.  As it has been said for a time sacking Rome became almost a hobby for barbarian chieftains.  However, the differences between the development of the English and Italian languages has to do with respect that the root languages of those languages were given during the past two thousand years.

The roots that lead to the English language was most often seen as vulgar, "the gutter talk of the commoners.", as I mention previously.  On the other extreme was Latin, the root of the Italian language.  It was respected as the language of the Roman Church, it was the language of scribes a clerics, men of the cloth.  It was also the language of the former Roman Empire.  Even long after western half of the empire fallen, the dream that was Rome survived.  Many growing kingdoms and empires were seen as the rebith of Rome, such as the Holy Roman Empire.  Today's EU is that same dream tring to take form in reality once again.  Latin was also the "Lingua Franca" ( pardon the pun ) for many centuries, it was the common language that was used by native speakers of other languages.  When most regions of what is now Italy were invaded during the past two thousand years, the invaders often thought their own language was inferrior to that of the Romans, which is the opposite of how invaders felt about the English root language.

This is not to say that there are not variations in Italian.  Just try to get the some people together from different provinces of Italy, people who only speak that regions traditional dialect, and see how poorly they can understand each other.  There was no "Italian" language as we now understand the term until the time of the wars of unification,  when the individual states of Italy were forged into a single nation again.  That is when the language was codified, with the help men of learning.


 pangor [ 11 Jan 2005 20:26 ]
Ok, we'll use esperanto now   !!

 Tormie [ 12 Jan 2005 00:58 ]
OH NOOOOOO!!  Not esperanto, its got way too much caffine,

Oh, wait, you are still talking about languages ..... in that case all I can say is .....

OH NOOOOOO!!  Not esperanto!!!!!


 pangor [ 12 Jan 2005 01:57 ]
I guess the Solviet Union just couldn't  replace this alphabet . All countries of te Solviet Union had used this alpabet from centuries. Russia is a big country , if you travel from Moscow  to  Magadan or somewere else it would take you more than a day to arrive. There were people in Russia  who even  didn't know to write in their  native language. It's not possible to order tree different generations of people to stop using the only alphabet they know.     Instead  of this they celebrated the patron saint's day of Cyril and Metodii , organized a big parade , and after that told the people that there was no such a thing as God , there was only the communist party , and its leader.    That's truly ironic! But there is something even more ironic.
A 6 years ago there was a high-educated professor here who told that we must not use the Cyrillic alphabet anymore , because it's too communistic.  

 erenda [ 12 Jan 2005 04:21 ]
Ironic indeed.  It also goes to show you how poorly educated educators can be.  It is the same in this country.  All too often, school is something to endure rather than to learn in.


 pangor [ 12 Jan 2005 05:40 ]
Really interesting thread...

But now, erenda, please try to tell me, what your signature ("Sireuma deritika kren orul detoril!")means translated in english, if it is possible to translate.  

 Poserkatz [ 13 Jan 2005 01:41 ]
I'm trying to invent my own language and my signature is a sentence from this so-called "sellen" language. ( "sellena " means moon in ancient greek). "Sireuma deritika kren orul detoril" means " Always more, never enough."

 erenda [ 13 Jan 2005 09:44 ]
Sounds very interesting, trying to create your own language. This is something of a challenge I would think.

You might be the next Tolkein.. elvish and mordor(ish) etc,

What do you hope to use it for?

 Ozymandias Jones [ 13 Jan 2005 09:57 ]
Very good sentence, i agree with this  

Your own language? Uh, i think it's difficult to create with all the grammatics,
past, present, future and first person, 2nd person and so on... - but that's
your turn    - hoewever, i wish you luck for this work.

 Poserkatz [ 13 Jan 2005 14:03 ]
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