Making music don´t pay the bills

Making music don´t pay the bills
Post Making music don´t pay the bills 
Hi friends!
As most of you might know already, I´m a musician.
I´m playing music with a band (reggae), and a solo project (blues).
I´m trying to keep the fun, and I don´t like selling what I´m loving, so I´m not making much money this way.
To pay the bills, I had to start a "real" job
So  I´ll be walking the woods for the next four month, collecting geological data probing the ground to the depth of 2 meters.
My job is to force something like a 2m hollow nail with a huge hammer into the ground and push it out again to get a look at the quality of the ground in the various depths. It´s nice working outdoors all day with all the fresh air, but its a very physical work, too, and I´m wery tired when the day´s done. So I may not be around regulary...
I´ll check in as often as possible, though.

 ahjah [ 04 Jun 2006 00:32 ]

Making music don´t pay the bills
Hi Andreas, it sounds like a very interesting job   . I think you're lucky   and I hope you'll continue with your music too, I know exactly the feeling to have a job different from what I would like to do and I'm not the only one here, but life goes this way and I keep the funny moments for when I'm out of work   . I hope to see you lurking around often as possible my friend      

 Tormie [ 04 Jun 2006 00:40 ]
Since when?   I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not.  Why do you hope for could not continue with your music toook he or she know exactly the feeling to have a job different from what he or she would like to do and she would not the only one hereok but life goes this way I know what you mean, Tormie. I've been there.

 Posy [ 04 Jun 2006 00:42 ]
I hope that when you have free time, after word or on weekends, you will be stopping and saying hello to us.

 pangor [ 04 Jun 2006 03:50 ]
Hello there. Interesting.  I want to find out more about you.

 Posy [ 04 Jun 2006 03:50 ]
Andreas I can only say one thing about what you just posted here. You know I am a musician as well and for me it did pay the bills. But when I had to cross the line and leave the music biz and got *Ahem* "a real job" I was all bumbed. But you made my day my friend. You showed me that I'm not alone. So in some small way I thank you. It made my life better and I hope you will take this and make your life better as well my friend.

 tda42 [ 04 Jun 2006 11:45 ]
Maybe sooner or later we'll meet and create the "Posette Band" and make big money   .

(Tormie role will be to plug the wires    and take care of the cash    )

Last edited by Tormie on 04 Jun 2006 13:25; edited 4 times in total 
 Tormie [ 04 Jun 2006 13:23 ]

 Posy [ 04 Jun 2006 13:24 ]
I never tried to make a living playing, so my hat is off to you guys for giving it a go.  Wish I would have, tho.

Posy, should we trust Tormie with plugging in the wires?

 melamkish [ 05 Jun 2006 02:46 ]
Should we trust Tormie taking care of the cash?   

 ahjah [ 05 Jun 2006 09:28 ]



 Tormie [ 05 Jun 2006 09:53 ]
... well, I don´t care ´bout the cash as long as there´s ´nuff pizza

 ahjah [ 06 Jun 2006 22:33 ]

 Tormie [ 07 Jun 2006 06:51 ]
Did someone say Pizza!     

 pangor [ 17 Jun 2006 18:31 ]

 ahjah [ 17 Jun 2006 19:18 ]
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