Remember this?

Remember this?
Post Remember this? 
I was surfing through the galleries here - starting from the beginning. I came across an image of Pappino that made my smile and think of him.
Our newer members here might not know who he was or of his art. Since that would mean that you would miss out on a great member, man and artist, here is a link to one of his pics.

Pappino was a member here that got cancer and is probably not with us anymore. But follow this link and u can get a glimps of his humour.

 TdaC [ 10 Mar 2007 18:28 ]

Remember this?
Post Re: Remember this? 
I had e-mailed him 2/4/07 and I would like to share this with you. Starting with my e-mail first.

Hi Phil:)
     I thought I would write to you and see how things are for you. I havn't heard from you in along time from the site Posetteforever and was wondering if you are posting anything these days. We all miss you there and are thinking about you. God Bless and take care.
Your friend
Kenny Konig (tda42) @ Posetteforever

Phil's reply that I was so glad to get.

Hi Ken,
Thanks for your thoughtful e-mail... it's much appreciated.
I'm obviously still here, but going down hill at ninety miles per hour with no brakes.  I'm still visiting the cancer clinic monthly, but unable to tolerate the chemo anymore.   The cancer has spread throughout my bones, which is painful at times.  Being still here, I can't complain too much.  It could be worse.
Haven't been doing much with Poser.  I upgraded to version 6, but haven't been able to do anything, because my hands won't cooperate anymore.   I'm still trying though, so maybe soon.
Give my best wishes to all... I'll stop by from time to time, if I can remember my damn password.
Take care and again... thanks!

You see friends we do care about people here. It is a little place and in real life it can be very much real on this site. We live, breathe and have feelings just like anyone else. So when you come to this site it is with a warm and heart that we give out to you here. My best goes out to Phil. A great guy to know.

 tda42 [ 10 Mar 2007 18:41 ]
Post Re: Remember this? 
Thank u for sharing the email kenny! I am so happy to hear that i was worng and that he is still with us.

I just hope he remembers his password soon... and that he gets better of corse

 TdaC [ 10 Mar 2007 18:49 ]
Post Re: Remember this? 
Yes, thats right. It's good to know, he's still with us. I'm really hoping he will not have to suffer too much.

 ahjah [ 10 Mar 2007 18:57 ]
Post Re: Remember this? 
Thank you for reminding us of Pappino Thilda , I wrote him some months ago and had the same kind of reply that he sent to Kenny But it's good to know that he is still alive and fighting against cancer like the soldier that he is  

 Tormie [ 10 Mar 2007 19:40 ]
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