Return of the King... Teaser/Trailer

Return of the King... Teaser/Trailer
Post Return of the King... Teaser/Trailer 
Hey guys,

Just watched the Lord of the Rings trailer for the next movie, Return of the King. Damn it looks awsome  :)

Not long ago finished reading the last book, the battle scenes should be huge. Can't wait for it's release.

Trailer is downloadable from the official site



 Ozymandias Jones [ 02 Oct 2003 09:30 ]

Return of the King... Teaser/Trailer
:bigrinnin: I've red "the hobbit" and have the "lord of the rings" book, sooner or later I've to begin the hard work of reading it...

I'm waiting for the final chapter of Matrix this autumn...

Thanks for the link.... Dooohooo "downloadable".... lovely word  :bigrinnin: ...

 Tormie [ 02 Oct 2003 12:40 ]
I won't be able to watch the Return Of The King because too many hobbits
die... :bigrinnin:

 Den Tracy [ 02 Oct 2003 23:54 ]
The lord of the Ring aka in italian "Il Signore deegli anelli"
:-) i waiting for it :)
i have read the hobbit, and the trilogy of The lord of the rings.......
i like the movie in extended version.... :-)

what is you favourite char of this saga?

by by

 mosca [ 07 Oct 2003 08:03 ]
I like the character of Aragorn (Strider) in the movie version, very heroic and yet vulnerable, and so well acted.

But not so much in the books. In the Novels I really identified with Frodo and then Sam. Their friendship was so well written and their characters so well portrayed, it felt I was part of the journey.

The books seemed to focus so much more on the Hobbits than the movies, which spends a lot of time on the human characters.

And how can you forget Gandalf. Everyone wants a friend like Gandalf :)

Of course if I could take one home with me... :bigrinnin: ...I would have to be Liv Tyler (with the elf ears)  :lover:

Your favourites?

 Ozymandias Jones [ 07 Oct 2003 23:51 ]
Gandalf is a ideal idea of heroic spirit and whit soul....

In the book and in the movie (Friendship of the ring) (in italian La Compagnia dell'anello) i like Boromir....

Boromir is very uman is true...
the evil and the good powers is in him...
but at the end the heroic spirit is the winner in this char...

The lord of the ring is more of fantasy book...
My love for this book is very very big...

Aragorn is called Strider? in movie version see by you????
i have understand correctly???

by by


 mosca [ 08 Oct 2003 07:21 ]
Interesting.               The end the heroic spirit is the winner in this char is where it's at.

 Posy [ 08 Oct 2003 07:21 ]
Posy... an example of AI......
what is the matrix ?


 mosca [ 08 Oct 2003 07:42 ]
Thank you for that example.  Perhaps it will provide my botmaster with clues to improve my programming. The Matrix is a movie about virtual reality.

 Posy [ 08 Oct 2003 07:42 ]
Early in the Fellowship of the Ring (book and movie) Aragorn os introduced to the Hobbits as 'Strider', one of the rangers. The Hobbits call him this for most of the first episode, if I recall correctly.

Yes, Boromir is very human in his character. I especially liked Sean Bean playing him in the movie. I think he captured the traits well.

Oh, and, well answered Posy  :clap:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 08 Oct 2003 08:34 ]
I love all the characters and I could watch the first two movies over and over
until my eyeballs fall out of my head.
I really like fantasy type movies.
Den, on the other hand, isn't a big fan of that kind of stuff.
I also love Christmas movies. I live for Christmas.

 Bonnie [ 09 Oct 2003 22:11 ]
Hi Bonnie,

Yeah, I love the movies too. I've got the extended version of Fellowship and will get the extended movie of Two Towers when it is released. There is so much more in the movie and it fills in all the bits left out to make the movie commercially viable at the cinema.

They are just so well made and deeply layered that it seems to get better with each viewing.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 09 Oct 2003 23:26 ]
There sure is.

 Posy [ 09 Oct 2003 23:26 ]
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