Damn... It's the busy period. Sorry for not posting much.

Damn... It's the busy period. Sorry for not posting much.

 Tormie [ 21 Oct 2003 09:17 ]

Damn... It's the busy period. Sorry for not posting much.
It was the first place that she looked  

All that she is trying to do is discredit me and make me look bad.
It appears to be working  

 Den Tracy [ 21 Oct 2003 12:31 ]
But Den, that's a wife's job

I did enjoy the comment from her about me:  "GuiltyPleasures was an innocent bystander at on time."

lol, now that's good, I didn't know you could use innocent and guilty in the same sentence like that!   Little does she know that I came into this place fully corupted and only helped to inspire more of the same here.


 guiltypleasures [ 21 Oct 2003 14:24 ]
I'm pretty sure the main source of corruption around here is GP  

 Deviant_Viking [ 21 Oct 2003 16:35 ]

 guiltypleasures [ 21 Oct 2003 19:02 ]
Further analysis of GP's threads and comments has me believing that
Ken is absolutely correct and our journey down the road to corruption
was started on June 14, 2003.
This coincides with GP's joining date.
I was  mild mannered, not a single dirty thought in my head up until that day.
Nope...not a one.

 Den Tracy [ 21 Oct 2003 19:39 ]
No need to thank me Den, I have enjoyed every minute of it

Just think how boring it all was until I showed up with my tuna pop tarts, beaver and rubber shickens?


 guiltypleasures [ 21 Oct 2003 20:00 ]
Rubber shickens... I'd never even heard of a rubber shicken until Guilty turned up.

Now I'm obsessed with 'em

 Ozymandias Jones [ 21 Oct 2003 23:32 ]
Apparently den was getting flogged with a rubber "shicken" in a gallery picture.
That gave me ideas, soooooo
I went out and bought the outfit, boots and all.
Also, I converted our rec room into a parlour/torture chamber.
The "shicken" makes neat sounds when it makes contact with his body.
Something like SHMAK or SHMECK.
Den doesn't holler much because of the red ball stuck in his mouth.
I don't think he enjoys me walking up and down his back with my high
heeled boots.
His eyes bug out pretty good though when I start walkin' Hee Hee

I'm just kidding !

 Bonnie [ 22 Oct 2003 00:13 ]

Don't forget the spurs and the cheese whiz!


 guiltypleasures [ 22 Oct 2003 00:58 ]
Den doesn't get to enjoy the Cheez Whiz does he ?
Is it like a garnish or something ?

 Bonnie [ 22 Oct 2003 01:01 ]
  Way to go Bonnie!

So this is a quiet Saturday night's entertainment at the Tracy house  


 Ozymandias Jones [ 22 Oct 2003 01:05 ]
Well normally you get to spray/spread the cheeze whiz all over him, but whatever turns you on is fine by me lol

A good warhead mixer is always a nice way to start the evening too,  but a word of caution you may end it soon as well because those warhead mixers can knock a bull elephant out like a light.

Have a great weekend you two  

 guiltypleasures [ 22 Oct 2003 01:15 ]
I left out the spurs because Den still has to perform "useful" functions
Hee Hee

 Bonnie [ 22 Oct 2003 01:16 ]
It'is only quiet until I remove the red ball from Den's mouth.
Okay, I get the Cheez Whiz part now.
Hey, this is only Tuesday.  The weekend is a few days away and I get three days off in a row, Sat, Sun and Mon. Don't have to be back at work until Tuesday morning.
Den is going to be so happy to have his babykins around three whole days.

 Bonnie [ 22 Oct 2003 01:29 ]
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