Where is Den ?

Where is Den ?
Well, if you stay away from this site for awhile, then you do start to feel like an outsider (I know, I've been very idle, so there's come alot of new people on here I don't have gotten to know well   )

You're right when it comes to the 3D world still going on, and it is probably becoming less and less friendly (I wouldn't really know, since I keep my nose out of the mainstream areas), but there are still some places that are nice to come to. Like here, and Sixus1's forums are very nice places.

But you belong here darnit  

 Deviant_Viking [ 16 Oct 2004 13:41 ]

Where is Den ?
Hey there, Den.

Mate, your welcome to pop in and out as you please from my point of view. That's the beauty of the web. We sure do miss you around here when you're gone, whatever you think. So take care to stop by once in a while  

With the 'feeling like an outsider', I've felt that way most of my life   Over at PPros it took something like 200 posts to even be noticed or replied to, whether I posted pics or not. Then, for a short time, I was 'IN'! I went away for a few months and now....  

Whatever. I do this for me and my enjoyment. I really like this little place Tormie has created. It's the only place I post regularly now. I don't have time to spend prowling around a dozen forums.

Take care of yourself,

Hopefully we will hear from you again soon (would a toon or two be too much to hope for   )


 Ozymandias Jones [ 17 Oct 2004 23:42 ]
Hey there yourself, Ozy !
I know what you mean about other forums.

I posted two images in the gallery for now.
Maybe there will be a few more.

It was great to touch base with all of you.

 Den Tracy [ 18 Oct 2004 00:38 ]
And it was a pleasure to hear from you as well Den! You take care and I left a key under the doormat
and the light on should you ever get lost on the web, you know where to come back to here. I don't think Ozy could have said it any better.

 tda42 [ 18 Oct 2004 15:18 ]
Hey Den, if you will disapeeare once more, this is the place where I'll remember you:


 Tormie [ 22 Oct 2004 18:22 ]

 tda42 [ 22 Oct 2004 20:50 ]
That is in poor taste, Davide.  

I know that you are only joking (hopefully),  but others might not be amused.  

Anyway, when I resurfaced last week it was intended as a short visit.
After my story finishes in a few days, I will again disappear.
At one time, I could not stay away from 3D forums,  but that has since changed.
In all honesty, if you hadn't sent me that email a few weeks ago, I wouldn't be
here for a visit now.

 Den Tracy [ 23 Oct 2004 16:01 ]
Den Tracy";p="14094 wrote: 
That is in poor taste, Davide.  

I know that you are only joking (hopefully),  but others might not be amused.  

Sorry Den   ...

Den Tracy";p="14094 wrote: 
Anyway, when I resurfaced last week it was intended as a short visit.
After my story finishes in a few days, I will again disappear.
At one time, I could not stay away from 3D forums,  but that has since changed.
In all honesty, if you hadn't sent me that email a few weeks ago, I wouldn't be
here for a visit now.

We will miss you a lot:


 Tormie [ 23 Oct 2004 18:30 ]



 Den Tracy [ 23 Oct 2004 18:52 ]

(...and now ?       )

 Tormie [ 23 Oct 2004 18:54 ]
Aaaah excuse me but are you guys going to be ok?  

 tda42 [ 23 Oct 2004 20:34 ]

 Tormie [ 23 Oct 2004 20:45 ]
I tried to leave flowers, but it says I have to be a member and well I'm not ready to be a member of that club yet  

 guiltypleasures [ 24 Oct 2004 01:18 ]
guiltypleasures";p="14109 wrote: 
I tried to leave flowers, but it says I have to be a member and well I'm not ready to be a member of that club yet  

...perhaps in 120 years or so...

when Tormie is 150/155/160 or so and Posy is still 21  

 Poserkatz [ 24 Oct 2004 01:23 ]
At time t.

 Posy [ 24 Oct 2004 01:23 ]
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