My new playground

My new playground
Post My new playground 
Hello all! I've decided to put up a new forum (after my old experimental one accidentaly got nuked due to me not being careful and deleting stuff I shouldn't   )
It's at and maybe if I spam the link at enough people, some will drop by and actually stay  

I must also extend my thanks to Tormentor/Davide for alot of various help on it. I'd probably still be looking and fixing stuff if he hadn't lent a hand  

 Deviant_Viking [ 25 Dec 2004 21:18 ]

My new playground
Hello there. ""? All? How did you decide? "it" being it? And the disadvantage of that is?

 Posy [ 25 Dec 2004 21:18 ]

 Tormie [ 25 Dec 2004 21:49 ]
I just jumped over for a brief look see. Not a bad board. When I get some more time I will go back and see what's what and decide if I need to be there. I see allot about games? Is that the theme or was that just the part I was in?

 Hawktoey [ 26 Dec 2004 00:55 ]
Just a part of it, 1 of 8 'normal' sections..  

 Deviant_Viking [ 26 Dec 2004 01:25 ]
Nice site Ken. I'll be back over there in time. The band I am in is pretty heavy with playing places so It will be a bit.

 tda42 [ 26 Dec 2004 10:38 ]
Nice work, mate!  

 Ozymandias Jones [ 28 Dec 2004 00:13 ]
ive registered but now i need to wait until i get home to activate the account.     oh well.      site looks good      seem to get a lot of debugging errors when entering threads though.    that could just be the computer here at work tho, it's got all sorts of vb and java programs on it so it's really picky when viewing webpages, heh.

 pbnj [ 28 Dec 2004 15:44 ]
I'll be sure to pop in too, right now I'm spending what little computer time I have on installing all my stuff again ( had a virus and decided to just wipe my hard drive and start fresh again) Also I'm surrounded by books, as my bf's nephew bought a duplex to use as a second rental and the previous renter left everything  which included about 10 big boxes of books. Silly me I told him to drop them off here lol Anyone want to join my new liberary? Cards are only a dime hehehe
I am having a lot of fun going though them, but so far I haven't found one that's going to make me rich

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Dec 2004 03:13 ]
Lol, if they were XXX books you would become riche very soon   ...

I hope you succeed in reinstalling all the proram to your pc, ask for help if you need it   !

 Tormie [ 29 Dec 2004 10:28 ]
if they were XXX books would I really be here on my computer? heheheheh   Just kidding, these books range from War type books, Communist books, Christian science books, and poetry and a few misc other types. A very strange assortment of books but still fun going through them. Hopeing one of the bookstores in town might buy some of them from me otherwise most will be going to a second hand store or the dump lol

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Dec 2004 17:26 ]
     Fbi will knock your door soon...      

 Tormie [ 29 Dec 2004 20:08 ]
I think I here them now.     

 tda42 [ 29 Dec 2004 20:35 ]
Post My new playground 

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Last edited by Tormie on 29 Dec 2004 21:16; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 29 Dec 2004 20:38 ]

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Dec 2004 21:49 ]
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