Judgement day...

Judgement day...
Post Judgement day... 

I think you will not see me too much the next 2 or 3 days: Today I noticed that my pc is totally infected by a virus, and (as usual) the files couldn't be repaired, so I think that when Norton antivirus (I paid for it some months ago, but I didn't kept it running   ) will finish its work all my executables will be gone... So a little time to reinstall all the stuff (sigh) and restart. Tomorrow I'll be out so I think to resurrect saturday (or sunday, 3 days as the bible says). In this amount of time the forum will be in the powerful hands of the admins Den tracy and Ozymandias Jones   ...

Have fun, parents are out... :))):

 Tormie [ 11 Sep 2003 22:35 ]

Judgement day...
Oooh Bad luck there, big guy. Hope it all sorts out.

Don't worry, we'll take good care of the place  

  Trust us


 Ozymandias Jones [ 11 Sep 2003 23:07 ]
/brings out the beer kegs

 Deviant_Viking [ 12 Sep 2003 05:05 ]
I got the ponies and balloons...errrr wait ...Oh I see this isn't going to be that kind of party

Toss me a beer Deviant and crank up those tunes! Look what I found 12 rolls of toilet paper (gets evil glint in eye) PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 guiltypleasures [ 12 Sep 2003 10:10 ]
Ha Hai!!
but the first virus in your pc is Norton not use it!
use MCafee Virus Scan is the best

good luck
uncle Tormy

by by

 mosca [ 12 Sep 2003 14:08 ]
the first virus is windows   
good luck, too

 ahjah [ 12 Sep 2003 16:38 ]
See you soon, Tormentor...

Stop downloading "sh*t"  from the 'net and you won't get any viruses...

Now...what to delete...what to delete ????

 Den Tracy [ 12 Sep 2003 16:49 ]

Is the registry key where most viruses set themselves to execute when the machine is booted.

first step is to stop the virus processes. on a Win 2K/XP machine hold down shift and ctrl and tap esc. that will bring up the task manager. click the processes tab. find the virus processes. any antivirus site will tell you all that information. i like to use nai.com or ca.com click on the virus definition links there and just do a search untill you find the name of the virus process.
stop the process first. most if not all viruses will watch the registry and re add key's as you delete them. so if you stop the process, nothing related to the virus can hrm your machine. next in the registry location discribed above. delete all references to the virus process running.
after that. do a search on your hard drive(s) for the name of the virus and delete them while holding down the shift key. unless of course, your like me and you copy it to your my documents folder to keep in case you need it  
 tada... manual removal of a virus.

The more you know the better off you are......
hope this helps and good luck...
p.s. you may want to back up the registry before you edit it so you have a back up spot incase something goes wrong.

 Landman [ 12 Sep 2003 17:39 ]
Thank you Landy, the virus is the W32.Jeefo. Anyway it seems it hides in the svchost.exe file (and write in the registry too) so that one can't notice it with the task manager or I would have seen it since long ago, because it infected almost *all* my executables.... sigh... Anyway, nothing that I can't reinstall (my beloved runtime directory is safe), only a lot of time lost. Now I installed a fresh xp copy and the norton antivirus is scanning all the files (I didn't known I had 200.000 of them   ). I bought the norton internet security package in march, but I turned off the antivirus because it slow down the pc   .... Thank you for your suggestions.

Thank you Den, as always I have to thank you for your help    

Anyway, I haven't downloaded something wrong from the net, as long as I know  

 Tormie [ 12 Sep 2003 19:11 ]
  Mmmh... It seems you passed a lot of time downloading strange things with that peer to peer software instead of playing with me   !

 Posy [ 12 Sep 2003 19:18 ]

 Tormie [ 12 Sep 2003 19:21 ]
Tormentor, if you turn off your TFTP ports on your machine, you can lower your risk of getting infected accross a network. most viruses will use TFTP port 69 on your machine. if you can figure out a way to disable that port either by a firewall or editing the services file in WINDOWSsystem32driversetc directory. open the file in notepad. scroll down untill you see tftp and then tabbed accross the page will be the numbers 69/udp then beside that it will say #Trivial File Transfer, just change that so it reads 0/udp and save the file. thats how you manually close ports on your computer. the tftp ports are basically only used if you are uploading firmware image files to a prom on a router or hardware firewall or something to that extent. if you do need to upgrade firmware and need that port open. all you need to do it change that value from 0 to 69 again.

anyhow, thats just a tip to protect your machines from these types of things
take care

 Landman [ 12 Sep 2003 20:44 ]
See guys, that's why I only ever download Porn... My mommy said I can't catch a nasty virus if I is only watching     


 Ozymandias Jones [ 13 Sep 2003 00:35 ]

 Tormie [ 13 Sep 2003 07:02 ]
Tormie - Virus.... my deepest condolences.... That happened to me recently too, i ended up having to erase everthing and then reinstall everything again. Hope it works out for you.

Den Tracy - LOVE your avatar!

Ozymandias Jones -         love your sence of humour.

 TdaC [ 13 Sep 2003 17:52 ]
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