Big Gas Tanks

Big Gas Tanks
Post Big Gas Tanks 
Dear Mr. Tormentor :
I read your comment about liking the suits and especially the "big gas tanks in the front"  followed by a   over at the PoserPros site.

That is a new one that I haven't heard before.
Kind of funny when you think about it.

Glad to hear that you like my "gas tanks" as you called them.
However, they are for "you know who"  and it don't mean you there, Mr. Tormentor

Please continue to admire them from afar, because that is as close as you'll ever get to them.
If Den should suddenly die, they maybe up for "grabs".
Ha Ha Ha !

 Bonnie [ 16 Oct 2003 23:55 ]

Big Gas Tanks

 Ozymandias Jones [ 17 Oct 2003 00:21 ]
Why, Mr. Jones,  or should I say Mr. Minute Man from down undah  

Are you accusing this little ol' northern gal of teasing ?  

I certainly hope so because that is exactly what I am doing here
and would be deeply disappointed if nobody were to notice.  

Miss Gas Tanks is signing off now.

 Bonnie [ 17 Oct 2003 01:21 ]
No gas thanks   ? They were something different    ? Ohps... Sorry  
I thought they were part of the equipment   , I've so such an innocent mind       , Don't think so bad about me    

Last edited by Tormie on 17 Oct 2003 06:21; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 17 Oct 2003 05:10 ]
Hmmmm, lets see.

What Tormie wants us to think he is =  

What I suspect Tormie really is =  


 Ozymandias Jones [ 17 Oct 2003 06:18 ]
Well, I know what Tormie is like and he is more like the guy with the
horns and pitch fork...
But then, so am I !  

Of course, someone in this thread already knows these facts, right kid ?    

And yes, Ozy, she is a big tease and always, always gets her way
and knows exactly how to go about getting her way.  

 Den Tracy [ 17 Oct 2003 13:43 ]
A tease am I ? I'll deal with you later Den
Back to the garage

Mr. Tormentor. Innocent mind ?
Stop making me laugh. I am well aware of your thirst
for top heavy women.
Hee hee

 Bonnie [ 19 Oct 2003 02:21 ]
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