A sad day tomorrow

A sad day tomorrow
Post A sad day tomorrow 
Tomorrow, December 24th is a sad day for me.  It will be another
anniversary of my father's death. He died on December 24th, 1989
in hospital after suffering for 20 days. On December 31 oth that year,
my uncle slumped over in his chair and died of a heart attack. One
week later, a childhood friend of mine dropped dead on the ice while
playing hockey. He was 37.
Today my uncle in Montreal is in the Intensive Care Unit. He had
a stroke while undergoing an operation to remove a diseased portion
of his small intestine.  He is now paralyzed on the right side of his body.

My grandmother (my father's mother) was buried on December 25th
a long time ago and an aunt (father's sister) died close to Christmas
as well. I almost think that we are cursed when December comes along.

It is not a happy time for me, but I try to make the best of it. I have
moved on, concerning my father but I cannot forget the twenty days
that I watched him die.

 Den Tracy [ 24 Dec 2003 05:39 ]

A sad day tomorrow
I'm sorry that this period means sadness for you Den...

 Tormie [ 24 Dec 2003 08:42 ]
I'm sorry Den, sending you a big christmas hug!! I know the feeling. I was very close to my grand parents (my mother parents). The both died when i was a child. My grand father died on december 14 and the following year my grand mother died on december 1. They both died young, from cancer.

 TdaC [ 24 Dec 2003 11:41 ]
Thanks for the kind words Tormentor and TdaC
Also, thanks for the big hug TdaC...Micky becomes concerned when
younger women "hug" me... :bigrinnin: ...especially Swedish women  :bigrinnin:
(Just kidding ... :bigrinnin: )

Although it is sad, I still have my mother this Christmas. She might have
died at the end of April of this year when she began to show signs that she
was going to have a heart attack.
Fortunately she was only a few minutes away from a nearby hospital and
my sister and brother-in-law rushed here there. The ER doctors were able
to prevent a heart attack. She had a triple bypass the following week and made
a full recovery. She was over last night for a nice dinner. Just three of us.
Micky, myself and my mom.
Today we are going to her home for a Christmas Eve dinner.

I will be fine, but my Christmas' will always have a sad time for them.
Some of you have similar sadness as well.

Don't worry, I will be fine.  :)  See, I'm smiling

 Den Tracy [ 24 Dec 2003 14:24 ]
Den my Grandmother also died on Christmas day 1985 so I understand a little how you feel. Can't change it, just rember them with fondness.

LUV Den!

 Wheelchair [ 24 Dec 2003 16:09 ]
It's the 24th december here... and I'm fine  8-[

 Tormie [ 24 Dec 2003 16:32 ]
It was tough for me that year too.

I will just walk around with my reindeer antlers that have mistletoe
stuck on them and have Den kiss me all day  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

That should cheer him up

Wishing everyone the very best

 Bonnie [ 24 Dec 2003 18:30 ]
:bigrinnin: Ok i gots d misoltoe also so pucker up :lmao: XXXXXXX Den

 Wheelchair [ 24 Dec 2003 18:50 ]
Wow.. that's really depressing. Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, so it's admirable you're even trying  :pray:
At least the missus is around with mistletoe  :bigrinnin:

 Deviant_Viking [ 24 Dec 2003 20:59 ]
Anybody got any Chapstick or Blistek for my lips ?  :bigrinnin:

Oh Oh...Mic saw WC's comment so I will log out and let her reply
before we depart.

 Den Tracy [ 24 Dec 2003 21:23 ]
I see a long line forming for Christmas kisses
Den might not like that  :bigrinnin:

Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss

Well that's all for now

 Bonnie [ 24 Dec 2003 21:30 ]
Den, so very sorry for all your loss's and sadness during this time of the year. I don't know anything to say that will make it better but know that my heart goes out to you and your family. Now, here's some chapstick, go find that mistletoe!

Merry Christmas everyone!

 guiltypleasures [ 24 Dec 2003 23:16 ]
:bigrinnin: Your gonina need it Den cause we ALL  :heartbeat: YOU :bigrinnin:

 Wheelchair [ 25 Dec 2003 00:33 ]
It will be a long day today. My mother got a call at 6:30AM our time saying that my uncle John was near death.
At 9:05AM he passed away

Thanks to everyone here for their kindness and understanding.

 Den Tracy [ 25 Dec 2003 17:53 ]

 Tormie [ 25 Dec 2003 20:03 ]
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