While we are on the topic of birthdays ...

While we are on the topic of birthdays ...
Post While we are on the topic of birthdays ... 
Someone just had a birthday and I wasn't "allowed" to mention it...
On Monday, April 26th, my wife Micky had a birthday !
She made sure that I didn't announce it...


But... nearly a week later, I couldn't resist  :lol:

I'm sure she won't mind... 8-[
If she does mind, you'll know it because I won't be showing up here anymore... :lol:  8-[  :lol:

 :bday:  :occasion1:  :occasion4:  :occasion1:  :bday:
:occasion6: ------------------------------ :occasion6:
---------------- :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:---------------

:forthosewhothinkyoung:  :smileymouse:  :queen:  :love8:

 Den Tracy [ 01 May 2004 13:30 ]

While we are on the topic of birthdays ...
Happy birthday Micky :occasion1: !!

Don't worry Den,  I'll succeed in finding your fax number and will advice her anonimously...  :whistle:  :whistle:  :whistle:

(A fax from Italy ??? Who could be  :-k  :-k  :-k ? )

 Tormie [ 01 May 2004 15:00 ]
Happy Birthday:) :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  
:dancing:  :dancing:  :bigrinnin:

 TdaC [ 01 May 2004 17:31 ]
Den's history.   :-({|=

It's not cold enough to put him in the garage, so I'll
just cram a red ball into his mouth, put on my high heeled
boots and proceed go to work on him.


Just kidding.  :heartbeat:  O:)  :whistle:

 Bonnie [ 02 May 2004 03:26 ]
And its not his birthday!Who new. :bigrinnin: Happy Birthday Micky.I brought some friends over. :dancing:  :popcorn:  :icecream:  :icescream:  :occasion6:  :occasion4:  :occasion7:  :smileycouncil:  :wav:  :greenjumpers:  :forthosewhothinkyoung:  :occasion1:  :occasion9:  :occasion2:  :bigrinnin:  :dancing:  :drinking:  :clap:

 tda42 [ 02 May 2004 04:07 ]
I thought, this birthday should be around ( saw the Taurus as zodiac icon :bigrinnin:  )

So: Happy birthday to yoouuu...  :whistle: :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :-({|=  :-({|=  :-({|=  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :whistle:

 ahjah [ 02 May 2004 11:02 ]
Happy Birthday Micky! I am late as allways!  :oops:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:  :dancing:

 JanReinar [ 03 May 2004 00:03 ]
yeah belated birthday greetings Micky....hope you had as good a one as I did... :clap:  :clap:

 messenger [ 04 May 2004 17:04 ]
Happy belated birthday Micky! Sorry I was late, but I know turning 21 is a big thing!  :bigrinnin:

A red ball eh? Hmmm...can you get pictures of that?  :lmao:

 guiltypleasures [ 05 May 2004 15:58 ]
It pays to hover over someone's shoulder from time to time when that person
is on the net.

Better late than never is what I like to say.
Thanks very much for the greetings even though they are reminding me that I'm older.

A picture of Den with a gag ball in his mouth held in place with a PVC
or leather strap ???
Hmmm   :-k

Den's not too photogenic while tied down in the dungeon.
I'm sure that a picture like that would be a big hit.   :lol:
If I show those pictures, I won't have anything to use against
him at a later date to make boatloads of cash from.
 :whistle:  :whistle:  :whistle:
(I'm so mean  :lol: ), but he loves it, don't cha Den ?

 :lol:  :heartbeat:  :whistle:

 Bonnie [ 06 May 2004 01:55 ]
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to youuuuu,
Happy Birthday dear Micky....

Happy Birthday to you.


Please imagine the above sung in a deep, off key, warbling voice with a strange accent  :bigrinnin:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 07 May 2004 04:57 ]
Mr. Jones, are you flirting with me again?

Why, thank you for the belated greeting.

You just told me that you can't sing worth beans.
I'm disappointed.
Good-bye forever  :-({|=

 Bonnie [ 09 May 2004 03:20 ]
:crybaby:  :crybaby:  :crybaby:

 Tormie [ 09 May 2004 06:30 ]
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