Australian Slang Primer

Australian Slang Primer
Post Australian Slang Primer 
Mr. Jones is a  "Banana Bender" according to what I researched about Australian Slang.
Some interesting slang :

beyond the Black Stump - a long way away
Bondi cigar or brown-eyed mullet  - a turd in the sea  :bigrinnin:
Bush oyster - a nose booger
Crack a fat ( I'll let you look that one up yourself)  :lmao:
Dingo's breakfast - a yawn, a leak, and a good look around (i.e. no breakfast)
Dunny budgie - a blowfly
Aussie Salute - brushing flies away
Shark biscuit - somebody new to surfing  :bigrinnin:

There are also  many slang terms that parallel what we use in the U.S. and
here in Canada.

 Den Tracy [ 23 Oct 2003 02:50 ]

Australian Slang Primer

Shark biscuit - somebody new to surfing


Bondi cigar or brown-eyed mullet - a turd in the sea

 :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

 Tormie [ 23 Oct 2003 05:06 ]
That's great Den. You're learning a new language  :bigrinnin:

Made me laugh out loud this morning and I felt like a bloody 'drongo', struth!


Bit different to the Canadian's, 'eh?'


 Ozymandias Jones [ 23 Oct 2003 22:39 ]
I have read the entire list of Australian slang and a lot of them are
quite funny to me.
I like the shark bisquit and now Den keeps asking me if I'm having
the Dingo Breakfast because I am not a breakfast person.
A cup of tea in the morning is about it.
I know, I know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Okay, I guess breakfast is over. I've yawned, taken a leak and had me tea.

Hee Hee

 Bonnie [ 25 Oct 2003 14:09 ]
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