My beef with poser

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#16  Tormie 20 Nov 2003 03:48

....Time passes but you become yonger and younger...

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#17  Den Tracy 20 Nov 2003 04:18

Amazing, isn't it ?

All the clocks run backwards here now, after playing around with some
of the alien equipment fron the UFO buried in my backyard.
It looks like I am going backwards in time after breaking the
Space/Time Continueum.  

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#18  Paul Mon 20 Nov 2003 13:22

Slideshows of holidays....   
Mmmn, nudes, swords, temples and holiday slideshows...By Jove, I've got an idea for my next picture!

Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here?
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#19  Posy 20 Nov 2003 13:22

Will that accomplish your objective?

I won the Loebner prize !
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#20  Ozymandias Jones 23 Nov 2003 10:12

Hi, guys. I know I've been MIA for a few days, but I'm back again.

Just a few thoughts to add to what you are all saying.

The gloss has worn off Poser for me a little as well. I don't post much, but I still do get enormous enjoyment out of the various images and animations I create for myself. I have found that the ability of some of the artists so far exceeds my own that I am reluctant to post among them, most of you guys included.

When I first found Poser it was like a revelation. The possibilities seemed endless. I went on line after a few weeks using it, the thought that freebies would exist didn't spring to mind at first, despite being a relentless downloader of free Quake levels and mods for the Grand Prix games I played. I discovered a few sites and a whole other world opened up. The possibilities expanded yet againThen I discovered the big freebie sites. OMG!

Now, three years later, I have yet to create that seminal work. The best selling 'toon or magazine cover art that would lift my name into the stratosphere among the Poser communities and, I believe, more importantly, beyond them. But I have a lot of CD's of free stuff

The closed world nature of the Poser community seals it from any real input and expansion of ideas. Poser is shunned and ridiculed by the 'serious' 3D communities and looked on as a bit of a paint by numbers set for pimple faced adolescents with too many hormones. And in a lot of cases they are right. It feeds off itself and mostly finances itself. It is, in short, an inward looking community for the most part.

With any such closed group staleness and sameness eventually permeates the majority. It also becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People expect NVITWAS images, they see them all around, think they are the 'standard' for the community, like them enough to create pieces for them and spawn more of the same, snowball effect. Anything out of the norm is either ignored or derided until it goes away and the group can settle back to their safe, mundane, non-challenging, non-threatening way of life.

There are some challenging Poser artists around, but the very description, Poser Artist, usually categorises the expectations of the viewer and, sadly in most cases, the content of the piece.

I stay around the community for the friendships, the news and the fun. I download a few freebies and enjoy the work of a number of artists and seek their work out when it is posted. I am not preoccupied with the community and its politics and try to avoid that side of it where I can. Poser and its resultant groups and forums are only a very small part of my life, for some out there it seems to be an all consuming obsession and these are not even the site owners!

Ken; keep up your work. I personally admire your art and your approach. Same for most of the other artists on this site (this is not brown-nosing, it happens to be true) and would be sorry to see you stop. You have some serious talent.


Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
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#21  Nex 07 Feb 2004 06:40

Seems like "Poser burnout", and I will admit my post have no real story or planning.
you made a good point, among alot of other points.
Quitting altogether would be a loss, go parttime...take a break from it.
But  don`t quit.


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#22  tda42 09 Mar 2004 07:49

Hey Ken.First of all let me say that even though we have not talked that I have admired your work.I have been out on your site.Indeed the most powerful pictures was the smile from a knife.Another was
a noose and shadow of the girl.Another one was of the girl feeling happy that day and she took a pill to be that way.Ken I don't have to know the titles of them nor do I have to know the girl in question.What is powerful is I remember it and it burns in the back of my mind.Thats what makes your work special.I have been a musician for 26 yrs and I turned off the radio to get origanalty.I don't
look at someones art to be me.I do my own thing.Tormentor with Posie.Den with JR and other origanals,Guilty Pleasures with fantastic gothic to art of tigers and wild life that should be on a castle wall.TdaC with her Faries and a world we can not get to without her as a vehicle to drive us there.Ozy with his wit and that is his driving force to make history or anything at his disposal.I have never tried to copy anyone.I have simply shut down and let myself tell me what to do.I have tried to turn my Poser art upside down.I too have said what's the use.I have stayed with the future where I belong.Not
looking at today but what I want tommorrow.Someone has already had today.And there is you.Where do you stand.Well my friend its in your head.Its that moment that you deside that the moment is right for you to shock them to there senses to show the truth.Life is'nt goody.It should never be.Your art is like a slap in the face.It says if you are not paying any attention this will happen to you.It is powerful
and makes you reach out and grab us,suck us into your soul to leave us thinking.Your art bites at people.Some people run away but it is natural to come back out of habit.As in a auto accident.Groess
but they look anyway.Yes you are powerful and I would by no means cut off the right hand just yet.Poser is what it says.A posing tool of human and life forms.Animation I have made heavily from
this software.Back grounds and textures not too mention countless effects comes from other tools.Yes it is a money maker for the greedy.I have made models, textures, BMVs videos animations, sound tracks
and numorous things with this software.Renderosity is what you say and its not slander, its true fact about the nude,porn and other hey look what I did I just spent $250.00 on this seen.Don't you wish you had it.Blah Blah.Its like competing with the jones (Ozy No Relation) .Just don't go there Ken,just compete with yourselve, for he or she impresses him or herself will surely impress others.I have said before the web is a big place cause man you take on the world.Me I play king in my own sand pile.In my own neighborhood, in my own little world.Be happy in youself as you walk with yourself.You have already
impacked others.You just don't realized it yet. As I said Life is'nt goody.It should never be.Keep Posing my friend,I'll be looking.

Last edited by tda42 on 10 Mar 2004 05:01; edited 3 times in total 
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#23  guiltypleasures 09 Apr 2004 02:38

I just now stumbled across this posting and reading though it there was a lot of interesting thoughts from everyone. I haven't found myself feeling like quiting yet, but there may come a day when I do. My feelings have always been, when I'm not enjoying it, or having fun, then I stop. I could care less if people like my artwork, it's great if they do, but if they don't that's fine too. Heck my bf doesn't even like my artwork all that much. He says he thinks I'm good at it, but he doesn't understand it nor find it something he would want to spend time looking at for very long. To each his own I say, and what I find appealing others may not, and vise versa. Ken your work always inspired me, still does as well as Den's and Tormies and most everyone on this site. I like the varity of artwork found here, I love the cartoon series that Den and tormie do, that shows not only imagination but commitment to start a series and see it though. Humor is a big part of my world, as you have noticed I tend to be on the crazy side and I enjoy a good sense of humor. I wish I had enough patience to put some of our forum stories we do into a cartoon format of pictures (den, tormie here's your chance for a new adventure
I think the best way to not be disapointed with Poser or any of your artwork is to just not do it for other people, do it for yourself, like Tormie said, be your own biggest fan, and let the others fight for 2nd place. I guess that holds true for me too, I enjoy printing out my favorite pieces of art that I make and hanging them on walls or sending them as gifts to my kids who love them almost as much as I do. <I've brainwashed them well> lol
As for the comments on art, well if you think I don't like your artwork because I didn't comment, you are most likely wrong, I comment when I have time, when my hands don't hurt, when I'm not making  picture and vewing the gallery during it's rendering time, but as TdaC said, I also get lazy too. I may comment on one of Tormies one day and the next day he may have one that I found even better and I didn't comment on it, because of one of the above reasons. So see comments <at least by me> may not always indicate that I like this one better than that one, or that I didn't like Den's or Ken's pic, becasue that could be far from the truth.
Now if you guys are tried of doing artwork, take a break, if your tired of posting your art on sites, stop posting, but make sure you are doing it for the right reason's, not just to make a point, because as Ken said, the one's your trying to point this out to aren't going to notice anyways. You will just be depriving the one's that really love your work and do care.
Okay, I'm off my high horse now and you can all charge me and thow rotton eggs at me

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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#24  Tormie 09 Apr 2004 08:28

About comments... I tend to write them when I've the right inspiration, so it happens that I see and write comments for 86 pictures like I've done last week. One of the lack of our album is that it doesn't support the notifications of new comments by email, it could help a lot... The problem is that I'm not a real coder, I can install and modify a software already done... Maybe in the future...


sending them as gifts to my kids who love them almost as much as I do.

  Your kids should be smart guys... "Mammy, this is soooo beautiful!!! Can we buy Grand Theft Auto 3 - Vice City this time ???"... "Mom, I want this one hanged (...) in my room !!! Can I play endlessly on line with Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory on you PC ???"

Last edited by Tormie on 09 Apr 2004 08:30; edited 1 time in total 
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#25  Deviant_Viking 09 Apr 2004 10:34

After I lost all my Poser savefiles, I've really lost much of my interest for Poser.
I know, it's the coming art that matters, and I still got the renders from the majority of them. But still, I often returned to them to get poses, lights, or use the old scene as a foundation for a new one. And sometimes I'd re-render at higher resolutions for printing.

And, I've realised something. Even though I do first and foremost make my art for myself, it loses alot of meaning if nobody notices it.
What is the point of a message if noone is aware of it?

Every night will have a day.
Even forever must come to an end. I think...
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#26  Tormie 09 Apr 2004 13:21

It depends on your way of thinking... I've my pictures with Posy   hanged in my house and my friends like them (they never believe that I'm the author), anyway I'm the first fan of myself, I like a lot my pictures (and Posy   ) so I look at my personal album a lot of times.

For what concerns your noobish format of your hard disk     , it could be the time for trying different things... (even if I can't think about loosing my Posy   , if this would happen I simply would disappear from the Poser world if not the world itself...)

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#27  Posy 09 Apr 2004 13:21

Really now that is an interesting fact I hadn't heard before. Yes, even that.

I won the Loebner prize !
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#28  tda42 09 Apr 2004 13:33

Deviant_Viking";p="8281 wrote: 
And, I've realised something. Even though I do first and foremost make my art for myself, it loses alot of meaning if nobody notices it.
What is the point of a message if noone is aware of it?

  And I say that you need to listen to what we are saying.What about the fish that got away.What about that favorite baseball card that gor thrown out in the trash.What about the puppy you had as a kid and it died before you.The thing is I feel you are treating this as a death and look around you life springs up to pass you by again.The problem is with this technology we have to shown someone we did that.What happened to telling the story of interesting facts of how you created such a wonderful work of art.When someone dies do they not tell stories of wonderful times.This should be you.We want to hear your wonders of your art Ken.I stand by this saying and I quote "You should listen as well as you hear"(Mike and The Machanics)We are the footbal team and you are the quarterback.Now pick the ball up and throw it for a touch down! This is the way I am Ken.I can be a friend if you let me and please don't think I am being harsh.Its just that I think you should move into the next faze.Mad scientist have blown up labs before my friend but they always come back to create their monsters. Good luck bud.

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#29  guiltypleasures 09 Apr 2004 14:56

I didn't mean to open up a new can of worms here, but I really do understand how bad you feel about loosing your files. I have lost a few things not much thank goodness, one was a picture of a REALLY cute guy I used to chat with on IRC a few years ago, I can't get that back, heck I can't even find him to ask for a new that's just sad! lol
Okay, being serious <as I can be> I know how I feel when I loose something. I have been working on a story that I hope someday to finish as a book and if I were to loose what I have written up on the computer I would have a very hard time getting past it, because it's a piece of my life. But we do, we have to get past things, or we might as well just lay down and die and that's a shame because I'm sure we have a lot more to offer in our lives. Okay, now this is a silly question, but do you own a cdr burner? If so, Back Up Those Files, back them up 2 or 3 times and hopefully that will prevent this kind of thing from happening again

  Your kids should be smart guys... "Mammy, this is soooo beautiful!!! Can we buy Grand Theft Auto 3 - Vice City this time ???"... "Mom, I want this one hanged (...) in my room !!! Can I play endlessly on line with Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory on you PC ???"[/quote]

Ahhhhhh Shuddup!    
<I'm sending my 2 youngest kids to Italy to spend the summer with their Uncle Tormie and play computer games all day long with him>  

Tda42, your words were right on, you are the kind of friend everyone needs, I'm glad you are a part of our little family here In fact every one of you are all great and it's all thanks to Tormentor that he built this place so we all wound up here becomming friends.
Now everyone get back to work, the floors in the clubhouse need scrubbing, deviant's poles need waxing and well, someone's cleaning the bathroom and it's not going to be me this time!    

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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#30  Landman 09 Apr 2004 15:05

Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up!

I just don't think I can say it enough.....

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy.......

My grey matter is turning white, my proof is my grey hair....
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