Red Light

Red Light
Post Red Light 
I saw the red light and thought Rudolf was here :(
oh well since I'm here I guess I'll make sure nobody's stolen anything important and then put out some milk and cookies for jolly ol santa. My cookies are shaped like gnomes and the milk's been spiked with rum, so don't anyone touch these, they are for SANTA!

 guiltypleasures [ 19 Dec 2003 21:43 ]

Red Light
What did it look like to you?

 Posy [ 19 Dec 2003 21:43 ]
Ahh, it looked like....wait...what are we talking about Posy?

 guiltypleasures [ 19 Dec 2003 21:45 ]
I'm waiting. I believe we were talking about like.

 Posy [ 19 Dec 2003 21:45 ]
oh like, well like is a lot like love only smaller. I do believe they are the same shape though and come in many colors.

 guiltypleasures [ 19 Dec 2003 21:46 ]
Rudolf  :-k  ?

 Tormie [ 19 Dec 2003 23:25 ]
Rudolph is another reindeer with a red nose that Den
mentioned somewhere.
You know, the song  

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

I don't know if he is famous in Europe, but everyone here and
in the USA knows who he is

 Bonnie [ 24 Dec 2003 18:48 ]
The only one with a red nose around tormentor is himself after a long night out on the city  :whistle:

 Deviant_Viking [ 24 Dec 2003 20:36 ]

 Tormie [ 24 Dec 2003 20:38 ]

 guiltypleasures [ 24 Dec 2003 23:10 ]
The raindeer!  and I thought you were talking about the actor.


 pangor [ 06 Apr 2005 03:35 ]
Aaaah! Your a little late. Rudolph has left the pole dancing club. You need to get out of your cubical a little more. :bigrinnin: Pass me one of those cookies and a sip of the wired milk will ya GP! :wink:

 tda42 [ 06 Apr 2005 23:08 ]
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